Discussion Forum on Education and Teaching—Symposium on AACSB Accreditation and Assurance of Learning (AOL) Held Successfully
Time :2020-06-17

On the morning of June 17th, 2020, BNUBS organized the AACSB Accreditation and Assurance of Learning (AOL) Construction Symposium. The leaders of BNUBS, department heads, administrators for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral education, staff of International Certification Office, administrators for MBA education and other staff participated in the symposium online. At the same time, the symposium also invited Zhao Xia, director of the International Certification Office of Donlinks School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing.


First of all, associate dean Cui Xuegang introduced the characteristics, ideas, and authentication flow of the AACSB accreditation, and the plan for AACSB accreditation, and interpreted the latest accreditation standards in 2020. The new standards continue to emphasize the theme of "participation, innovation and impact", by integrating the 15 accreditation standards put forward in 2013, and dividing them into three main frames, namely (1) strategic management and innovation, (2) success of the learners, and (3) thought leadership, participation and social impact, a total of nine certification standards. The new standards reflect the characteristics and requirements of AACSB certification and fully represent the broad views of the diverse members of AACSB globally.


Followed by Zhao Xia from Donlinks School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing. She shared the experience of the AACSB international accreditation of USTB, mainly around the construction of Assurance of Learning (AOL), by introducing developing Learning Goals (LGs), Learning Objectives (LOs) under the learning goals, Assessment, and Reporting and Closing the Loop as four key steps. In addition, she also shared the requirements for the classification of the teachers by AACSB accreditation. At last, Zhao emphasized that AACSB values "real" a lot and the process takes a long time. She thinks that AACSB accreditation can enhance the brand and recognition of business schools, improve the domestic disciplines evaluation, and promote international exchanges and cooperation.


In the interaction session, the party secretary Sun Zhijun, associate dean Cui Xuegang asked Zhao questions related AOL, and had a full communication.




(By Li Jingya, International Accreditation Office)