BNUBS Mailed Masks to Chinese Students and International Students abroad
Time :2020-04-02


Recently, the number of global confirmed cases has surged as the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic is spreading largely around the world. BNUBS is very concerned about the situation of returned international students during the holiday and Chinese students studying abroad on exchange programs. Without delay, BNUBS has established the Epidemic Prevention and Control Working Group for Students Abroad, with the Dean and the Secretary serving as the group leaders. At the same time, we created two WeChat groups to quickly carry out effective work. One is for international students, and the other is for Chinese students who is studying abroad and their parents. According to statistics, there are 67 returned international students and 44 Chinese students studying abroad.



The Working Group not only monitors the daily updates in real time, but also contacts each student to enquire about their situation, their stockpiles of supplies, their current difficulties and the assistance they need. Now, some of the Chinese students have returned to China or have been approved to return home early. Considering the shortage of protective equipment in some countries and regions, the Working Group surveyed all the students abroad on the demand for masks. A total of 26 students who is in the United States, France, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries present their demands. Taking the masks distributed by the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of BNU into consideration, the Working Group decided to purchase masks rapidly at 50 masks per person. A batch of masks in line with EU standards (with CE mark) have been mailed by the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of BNUBS.



BNUBS will continue to pay attention to the health and safety of our students abroad and provide them with timely material and spiritual support and guidance to overcome the difficulties.