Professor Serigo Rios Perez from LUISS University Visited BNUBS
Time :2019-10-15


On Sept. 5, 2019, Professor Serigo Rios Perez from Italy LUISS-- Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, visited BNUBS. Cui Xuegang, Associate Dean of Business School met with him. Xie Jia, the deputy director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office, and the project director Shang Yihong also attended this meeting.


Mr. Cui Xuegang greeted Professor Perze and highly praised the success of the Fourth LUISS-BNU-AU Capital Business Forum held at LUISS University in June this year. Afterwards, both sides carried out in-depth discussion on the cooperation of 3+2 duel-degree program, exchange programs and short-term study programs.


Located in the heart of Rome, the capital of Italy, LUISS is a private university founded in 1966 with a high reputation in Italy, with three campuses. The University is the top-level private business school under the auspices of the Italian industry association—Confindustira, and has a large and strong alumni in Italy, and even in Europe.