40th Anniversary of School of Economics Series Forums —— Third Frontier of Labor Economics Were Successfully Held
Time :2019-05-27



The Third Frontier of Labor Economics was held in Beijing Normal University on May 25, 2019. This activity is also one of the series Forums of the 40th anniversary of the School of Economics of Beijing Normal University. The Labor Economics Front Forum was initiated by the "Economic Research" editorial department, Beijing Normal University, School of Economics and Business Administration, School of Economics, Jinan University, Renmin University of China. this year, the Beijing University School of Economics, School of Economics of Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Development Institute, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics joined as new board members. This time, the Forum received a total of more than 140 papers submitted. After expert review, 47 papers are finally selected for discussion. More than 200 scholars from dozens of universities and research institutions at home and abroad participated in the Forum discussion.


A group photo of attended guests.


Guests attended the opening ceremony of the Forum are: David Neumark from University of California, Professor Zhang Chewei, director of the institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Liu Xiahui, researcher and editorial director of "Economic Research" and other professors and experts from various related Chinese departments and organs and universities attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Luo Chuliang from our school.


The opening ceremony of the Forum.


Professor Luo Chuliang presided over the opening ceremony.


Professor Sun Zhijun, secretary of the sub-party committee of our school, delivered a welcoming speech, introduced the development of the discipline of economics and management of Beijing Normal University, and thanked the editorial department of Economic Research for bringing together the research teams of relevant universities to establish the frontier Forum of labor economics, an important academic exchange platform. In his speech, researcher Liu Xiahui, editorial director and executive deputy editor of economic research, expressed good expectations on promoting the development of the frontier Forum of economics research and labor economics.


Deputy Secretary Sun Zhijun and Researcher Liu Xiahui give speeches on the Forum.



Professor David Neumark, researcher Zhang Chewei and professor Li Shi delivered keynote speeches respectively.

Professor David Neumark spoke on the long-term effects of the EITC on women's earnings. He first reviewed studies on the use and short-term impact of EITC policies in the United States, and then used marriage and children data from the PSID data to explore the impact of women's exposure to the EITC on their labor market performance over the two decades of adulthood. It found that exposure to a more generous EITC resulted in higher wages, incomes and working hours for women who had children out of wedded couples, and lower incomes and longer working hours for women who had children while married. This means that the EITC, an anti-poverty policy, helps to have a beneficial impact in the long run by promoting incentives for work.


Professor David Neumark gives a speech.


Researcher Zhang Chewei delivered a keynote speech on "thoughts on the development of China's big health industry". Combined with the reality of rapid aging of China's population, he put forward the huge demand for service products and the development opportunities brought by aging to the big health industry. He pointed out that the big health industry has both market attributes and public welfare attributes, and the government and the market should play a role together. He calculated the market size of the big health industry in China from the demand side and the supply side, and put forward policy Suggestions on how to promote the development of the big health industry.


Researcher Zhang Chewei delivers a speech.


Professor Li Shi delivered a keynote speech entitled "re-understanding of China's labor market". He first proposed the coexistence of spontaneous market and control market in China's urban labor market, and analyzed the different evolution processes of the two markets, in which the spontaneous market showed an expanding trend while the control market gradually shrank. Then it analyzes the main characteristics of labor market segmentation and its changing trend, proposes that labor market segmentation tends to weaken, the development of spontaneous market gradually becomes mature, and expresses the expectation of perfect competition and non-discrimination labor market.


Professor Li Shi addresses the Forum.


After a keynote speech, the scholars had a discussion on "technological progress" and "reproductive behavior", "poverty alleviation effect", "medical care", "education and employment", "environment and labor" and "regional development", "human capital", "distribution of income", "the pay gap", "the labor market and employment", "labor mobility, segmentation and integration", "labor market matching", "population age structure", "gender structure and gender discrimination", "income mobility" and "left-behind children", for presentation and discussion included in the article.


Professors and experts at the branch sessions.


This conference involves many fields of labor economics, and is of great significance for jointly building a high-level academic exchange platform for the study of labor economics in China and promoting the higher level development of labor economics in China.