The National Natural Science Foundation Project Hosted by Teachers of Our School Was Rated "Excellent" in the Performance Evaluation.
Time :2024-04-11

Recently, the Management Science Department of the National Natural Science Foundation Committee organized the 2023 project performance evaluation meeting, and evaluated the performance of the concluded National Natural Science Foundation projects by reviewing the research results of the project and peer-reviewed expert opinions.The meeting determined the grade of each evaluation item according to the five levels of "Extreme Excellent, Excellent, Good, Medium and Poor". The National Natural Science Foundation projects hosted by teachers of our School were rated as "Excellent" in the performance evaluation, the specific list is as follows:

Since 1998, the Management Science Department of the Fund Committee has carried out the performance evaluation of the final project, tracking and evaluating the quality and level of the completion of the science fund project, and combining the project evaluation results with whether to continue the funding work, so as to encourage scientists to carry out high-level and responsible scientific research. This work has now been standardized and institutionalized, and has been fully affirmed and highly valued by management scientists and strongly supported by management scientists all over the country.

Provided by Scientific Research Office

Edited by Sun Yue

Reviewed by CaiHongbo