Enlightening Wisdom, Building the Future Together -- BNUBS Organized a Series of Activities of "Reading and Sharing the Classics” Reading Club
Time :2024-06-18

In order to practice the talent training concept of BNUBS, which is "broadening the foundation, strengthening integration, respecting individuality, and pursuing excellence", the students and staff of our School specially planned and held a series of "Reading and Sharing the Classics” Reading Club in this semester. The Student Affairs Office purchased and distributed physical books and invited teachers of the School to give guidance in the whole process, aiming to encourage students to pay attention to the latest trends and cutting-edge issues in the field of economic management through in-depth reading and discussion of classic economic management books, and improve their professional quality and theoretical level.It is alsohoped to give studentsinspiration and help in the scope of knowledge expansion, interest exploration, research fields, employment ideas and other aspects .

The firstBlue Ocean Strategy Reading Club

On the afternoon of May 15, 2024, the first "Reading and Sharing the Classics”Reading Club of BNUBS was successfully held at 9406 Jingshi Building. Professor Jiao Hao, head of the Department of Digital Economy and Management of BNUBS, led the students to carry out a discussion based on the core ideas of the book Blue Ocean Strategy, combined with his own experience and teaching experience, and launched a passionate and wonderful interaction with the students. The reading club is presided over by counselor Zhang Huilin.

After the students exchanged and discussed, Mr. Jiao Hao made his own comments on some ideas and cases in the book. Among them, he especially shared the success cases of Cirque du Soleil, which reshaped its own industrial boundaries, Carpenter Tan, which gave traditional cultural values and emotions, and Xiaomi Group, which was based on digital platforms, and pointed out that the success of these enterprises is a vivid footnote of Blue Ocean strategy in real business practice. Finally, Mr. Jiao Hao summarized several important ideas of the book Blue Ocean Strategy: enterprises should have the consciousness of innovation, clear the risk of innovation, and choose the method of innovation. And, combined with his paper published in China Industrial Economy: Ecological View of Digital Platform A New Perspective on Management Theory in the Era of Digital Economy ,he pointed out that enterprises need to establish a digital platform matching their own resources under the digital context, form a digital ecosystem associated with stakeholders, create value together with stakeholders and establish a fair value distribution mechanism to establish sustainable competitive advantages, and constantly update their blue ocean. In the tide of The Times, enterprises should strive to forge ahead and seek a foothold in the way of enterprise.

Figure 1 Teacher Jiao Hao's on-site summary

Figure 2 Group Photo at the scene

Sharing of Students:

Blue Ocean Strategy tells us that by finding or creating new value, thinking outside the box can keep a business alive. If we compare ourselves to an enterprise, in this competitive society, we need to constantly innovate our own thinking and action mode, so as to better complete the promotion of self-value. Enterprises see what others do not see, seize the opportunity that others do not grasp, and the starting point of all is to see the problem from a new perspective, the teacher's reading and classmates' sharing and communication also opened a new perspective for me, so that I have a deeper understanding of the nature of market competition and the importance of enterprise innovation. In my future work and life, I will strive to apply the ideas in the book to practice and constantly explore new fields and opportunities.

--Wei Yuge, Class of 2023 of Finance

Reading Blue Ocean Strategy made me deeply realize that in today's highly competitive business environment, enterprises need to step out of the traditional framework and dare to explore the unknown. The most important thing is to understand where the so-called "Blue Ocean strategy" comes from, what its essence is, and how it works. Through in-depth understanding of customer needs, restructuring of market boundaries and continuous innovation, enterprises can find new growth points in the blue ocean field and achieve rapid development. At the same time, as individuals, we also need to have blue ocean thinking. In career planning and life development, we should dare to challenge traditional concepts, dare to try new things, and constantly expand our vision and scope of ability. Only in this way can we stand and succeed in the ever-changing world. At the reading meeting, the students studied carefully and thought positively. I felt the power of brainstorming and benefited a lot!

-- Gao Ziqi, Class of 2023 of Accounting

The Second Session: The Outsider Reading Club

On the afternoon of May 22, 2024, the second session of BNUBS was successfully held at 9406 Jingshi Building. The leader of the reading party was Associate Professor Xu Minbo, Director of the Department of Economics of BNUBS. He led the students to carry out a chapter discussion based on the book The Outsider and combined the understanding after reading The Outsider, and launched a passionate and wonderful interaction with the students. The reading seminar was presided over by Ms. Han Lili, AssociateSecretary of the Party Committee.

After everyone's sharing, Teacher Xu Minbo made a summary. He first proposed that through reading this book, students would learn to conduct a detailed analysis of typical economic phenomena, clarify the real problems hidden behind complex phenomena, clarify the relationship between theory, reality and policy, and recognize the role and function of the Chinese government. Then, he pointed out three points: First, it is necessary to correctly understand the competition mode of "strip" and "block". Although there is some truth to the current research on the competition mode among local governments, it is necessary to recognize the cost of regional competition; Second, in the transformation and development of the government, the relationship between the government and the market is a process of gradual adjustment and slow evolution to meet the different requirements of different development stages. Students should rationally view the relationship between income and expenditure; The third is that the measures taken by the state to establish and improve the socialist market economic system are very rich in connotation, which requires students to truly dig out its connotation and fully absorb its value. Finally, Teacher Xu refined the discussion: No one can deny the achievements of the country's reform in the past decades. Students should have a comprehensive and objective view of the role of the government and China's reform. He hoped students can find and raise more and better research questions and have a deeper understanding of the research significance of economics by reading the book The Outsider. In addition, it will be more helpful for the improvement of their discipline literacy and future research and development.

Figure. 3 Teacher Xu Minbo's on-site summary

Figure 4 Group Photo at the scene

Sharing of Students:

The bookThe Outsider made me deeply feel the complexity and challenge of China's economic development. To understand the essence through the phenomenon, we should not stay out of the situation and talk on paper, but should personally participate in the situation and stay in the matter, and have a deep understanding of China's government and economic development law and the important role of the government in economic and social development. The rise of China is undoubtedly a huge impact on various economic theories. After the reform and opening up, the deep participation of government forces, the organic combination of Chinese culture, system and economic operation, all of which have made us walk out of a new road with Chinese characteristics. Through the communication between the students and the guidance of the teacher, I have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the economic operation system. I believe that in the future study, I will pay more attention to the behavior and policy of the government, actively participate in social affairs, and make my own contribution to the prosperity and strength of the country.

-- Gao Kai, Class of 2022 of International Trade Student,

The book club activity was very rewarding. Through the study of this book, we can see what the Chinese government has done right in the whole process of reform and opening up, which has made China become a successful economy from a backward country, just as the author wrote in the book, "In a successful economy, economic policy must be pragmatic, not ideological; It is concrete, not abstract." I not only understood the important role of the Chinese government in economic development and the complex relationship between the government, enterprises and the market, but also deepened my interest in further learning in related fields of economic management. The strategies and policies formulated by the government affect the market, which in turn affects the behavior of enterprises. Look forward to reading more good books with teachers and classmates!

-- Yaozhi Zhang, Class of 2023 ofAccountant

The Third Session of China's Export and Import MysteryReading club

On the afternoon of May 29, 2024, the third session of BNUBS reading club was successfully held at 9406 Jingshi Building. The leader of this reading group was Professor Dai Mi from the Department of International Economics and Trade of BNUBS. He led the students to carry out a chapter discussion on the book China's Export and Import Mystery and combined the understanding of the book after reading The Mystery of China's Exports, and launched a warm and wonderful interaction with the students. The reading party was presided over by Ms. Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee.

Figure. 5 Teacher Dai's on-site summary

Mr. Dai listened patiently to the ideas and views of each student and pointed out that choosing the bookChina's Export and Import Mystery, which is relatively easy to understand and has a unique perspective, can improve students' understanding of the "import and export" issue from the perspective of global value chains. For example, global value chains actually have a widening effect on China's trade surplus with the United States, which also amplifies the deadweight loss caused by American tariffs on Chinese goods. The teacher also pointed out that China is currently the world's largest manufacturing country and deeply involved in the division of labor in the global value chain. When reading this book, we should combine the author's insights with the opportunities and challenges of China in today's era, so that we can better grasp the gist of the book from the perspective of combining theory and practice.

Figure 6 Group Photo on site

Sharing of Students:

In the reading of the China's Export and Import Mystery, we deeply discussed the uniqueness of China's import and export business, and the students exchanged and discussed together, which provided me with different perspectives on China's import and export issues. This book systematically interprets and analyzes China's export miracle from the perspective of global value chains, rather than from the perspective of classical comparative advantage theory, economic system reform and trade liberalization. By implementing an export-oriented strategy and actively participating in the division of labor in the global industrial chain, China has successfully built itself into the world's largest trading nation in goods. This achievement is inseparable from the policy support of the Chinese government, the efforts of enterprises to innovate and the gradual improvement of market mechanisms. At the same time, China is also facing challenges such as international trade frictions and the restructuring of the global industrial chain. How to maintain the steady growth of import and export business in these challenges is a question that we need to think deeply about. In short, the book club China's Export and Import Mystery made me deeply realize the uniqueness of China's import and export business in the tide of globalization and the secret of success. At the same time, it also gives me full confidence in the future development of China's import and export business.

-- Wei Chenchen, Class of 2022 of Fintech

This reading club provides me with a platform to expand my professional knowledge and provide fresh economic examples, and also allows me to form a new understanding of the original knowledge in a relaxed and lively atmosphere. The Mystery of China's Import and Export has made me realize the challenges and opportunities faced by China's import and export. In the context of global economic integration, China's import and export are faced with many uncertainties and risks, such as trade frictions, exchange rate fluctuations, and global epidemics. However, it is these challenges that also bring opportunities for China's import and export, such as promoting industrial upgrading, expanding emerging markets, and strengthening international cooperation. This process is not only the process of export surge and economic take-off, but also the process of rapid technological progress of Chinese enterprises. As the book points out: the global value chain is like an invisible hand that deeply integrates the Chinese economy into the world economy.

-- Wu Shiyu, Class of 2022 of Business Administration

Through this semester's reading sharing, the students have further realized the significance and importance of reading more books and reading good books, which not only broadened their horizons, but also stimulated diversified ways of thinking. In the future, we will continue to carry out relevant activities to drive students to pursue excellence and realize self-value with more enthusiasm and more solid steps.

Contributed by Party Committee Office

Edited by Zhang Huilin

Reviewed by Han Lili