Experts to BNUBS for CAMEA Field Visit
Time :2017-11-28
On November 14, 2017, Mr. Kou Gang, Dean of the School of Business Administration of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Mr. Zhu Jinming, Deputy Director of Office of Evaluation Office of China’s High-Quality MBA Education and Director of Evaluation Office of Degree Center of the Ministry of Education, and Mr. Wang Haoming from the Assessment Center of Degree Center, Ministry of Education conducted a one-day field investigation to BNUBS MBA program. The on-the-spot investigation includes the following sessions, “Leaders and Graduate Leadership Seminar”, “Expert Guidance Conference”, “General Information and Seminars of College and University”, “Introduction and Discussion of MBA Program”, “Teachers’ Talkative”, “Internal Discussion on the Management of Projects”, “Working Group Meeting” and “feedback on field visit”. Mr. Shi Peijun, Executive Vice President and Dean of Graduate School of Education, Mr. Zhang Chi, Wang Ming and Hu Kewen, Associate Dean of Graduate School, Mr. Cai Wen, Deputy Director of Training Department, Party and Government Leadership group, Leadership of BNUBS, teacher representatives and MBA Education Center personnel, student representatives were involved in different aspects of the inspection and discussion.

First of all, Mr. Shi Peijun, the executive vice president, welcomed the expert group. Then, he briefly introduced the professional degree management, basic framework and specific measures of quality control. He pointed out that BNUBS has profound humanities, leading domestic and foreign disciplines, and is dominant in economic and business management. The Economics foundation provides a wealth of educational resources for the development of our MBA program. He highly affirmed the MBA education project achievements of BNUBS, and pointed out the direction of development and focus of the next step. The school will further increase its investment in MBA, integrate schools and social resources, strengthen the quality control and standardization of teaching, and further highlight the characteristics of business school. Chinese Advanced Management Education Accreditation (CAMEA) is the first certification program for professional degree education in China. The school attaches great importance to it and strongly supports the MBA program to participate in it by appraising and building education resources, innovating mechanisms, continuously improving the quality of school MBA programs and the level of teaching. After that, the graduate school leaders introduced and explained issues that are most concerned.

Director Zhu Jinming introduced in detail the basic conditions of CAMEA, the organization structure, standard, process, progress, achievements, future development strategies, guidance and advice of the accreditation.

The expert group held discussions with the college leaders, department heads, teacher representatives, MBA education center managers and administrators on the overall situation of the school and the management of the MBA education project respectively. Experts also visited BNUBS Culture Wall, office areas and MBA teaching facilities.

Finally, the expert group gave feedback to the leaders of graduate school and leaders of BNUBS on the preliminary findings of the field visit. They affirmed the characteristics and advantages of BNUBS MBA education project. They also considered that BNUBS MBA education program meets the eligibility criteria. At the same time, they proposed the need to further strengthen the degree of participation, improve the quality assurance system, and enhance business contacts and the ability to support resources.

Chinese Advanced Management Education Accreditation (CAMEA), organized by the Ministry of Education's Center for Graduate and Graduate Education Development and the National MBA Steering Committee, is currently the most authoritative MBA and EMBA education certification in China. Its main thrust is to promote the continuous improvement and improvement of the quality of business administration education in China. CAMEA and AACSB, EQUIS international accreditation, known as “ACE”, are gaining international influence. The CAMEA accreditation process mainly includes aspects such as training consultation, certification application report, and field investigation, voting qualification, self-assessment, site assessment, accreditation result confirmation and continuous improvement. The field visit is an important step towards obtaining the accreditation qualification.