The 10th Anniversary of BNU MBA Education and Welcome Ceremony for 2017 New Students Were Successfully Held
Time :2017-11-15
In the golden season, while the bell strikes for the beginning of a new school year, we are very delighted to welcome new students entering BNU MBA at the 10th year of BNU MBA Education. On 28th October 2017, the 10th Anniversary of BNU MBA Education and Welcome Ceremony for 2017 New Students was successfully held. More than 400 leaders, guests, alumni, and students joined the ceremony. Together, they reflected on the ten years’ development of BNU MBA Education and witnessed the performance shows given by new students.

The ceremony is divided into four chapters. First of all, Prof. Lai Desheng, Dean of BNUBS, delivered a remark by reflecting on the ten years’ development of BNU MBA Education. He expressed expectations to future MBA Education construction, reminded and encouraged all the MBA students to remain true to their original aspirations and keep their missions firmly in mind.

Next, Ms. Deng Xiaoying, alumni of BNU MBA, gave a speech. She shared her study experience at BNU, her thanks to the teachers, and expressed her wish to all the students to save time and be better selves. Mr. Yang Rongxing, president of the 13th Beijing MBA League, congratulated on the 10 years development of BNU MBA Education. He hoped to cooperate and develop with us in the future. Videos of wishes from other alumni were shown on the ceremony.

After that, Mr. Ge Yuliang, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee, announced the list of new students awarded with scholarships. Dean Lai Desheng and Mr. Sun Zhijun, Secretary of Party Committee awarded the achievements to all the students on the stage and took a group photo together.

Then, ten leading members of BNUBS got on stage and initiated the ceremony. Followed by multiple excellent dancing, singing and other performances, the ceremony ended in a long-lasting round of applause.

As the ancient Chinese poem put it, “Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron, with firm strides we are crossing its summit”, we firmly believe that 2017 new students will inherit the glory of BNU MBA Education in the past ten years, spend their efforts, build the future and shine new glows of light!