Raise Sails Against the Wind, Fight Harder with the belief in mind--The Communist Youth League Congress & Student Congress & Graduate Student Congress of BNUBS Was Successfully Held
Time :2023-10-26

On the night of October 22, 2023, The 11th Congress of the Youth League Committee of BNUBS & The 39th Student Congress of the Faculty of BNUBS & The 12th Graduate Student Congress was solemnly convened at 502 of the Teaching Building 9.

The guests attending the conference included Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUBS; Han Lili, Associate Party Secretary of BNUBS; Guo Xiaochuan, an instructor at the School of Mathematical Sciences; Chang Xinyang, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of BNUBS; Counselor Wang Jun; Counselor Ran Rujia; Counselor Gao Jingjing; Counselor Zhang Huilin; Counselor Li Lun; Shi Huiyi, Student Affairs Assistant; Kang Zhaoran, Student Affairs Assistant; Wang Jiayin, Student union representative; Yan Yi, Representative of the university Graduate Student Association; Members of the 10th Youth League Committee of BNUBS; Members of the 38th Student Council; Members of the 43rd Graduate Student Association and Associate Secretaries of the Youth League Committee, Chairmen of the Student Union, and Chairmen of the Graduate Student Union from each fraternal School. All student representatives of BNUBS and student representatives of the Youth League branch attended the meeting.

The conference opened with the solemn national anthem.

Mr. Qi Yudong, Dean of the School, delivered the opening speech. In his speech, he fully affirmed the work of the league organizations at all levels of the School. In the past year, the School league organizations actively responded to the call of the Party, focused on the development needs of students, and did a lot of work in ideological guidance, campus culture, career development, social services and other aspects, and achieved fruitful results. He put forward three hopes for all the student representatives and the new session of the league: First, he hoped that all the students would firm their ideals and beliefs, set up lofty ideals, and strive to grow into a good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle; Second, it is hoped that all students can hone their skills, strive to increase their ability, and constantly improve their quality and ability to adapt to the development of The Times and the requirements of the career, so that hard learning can become the driving force for the voyage of youth, and growth ability can become the energy of youth fighting; Third, it is hoped that the new League will focus on innovative work, effectively serve students, create a "Beijing style" campus culture through carefully planned student activities, create a good growth environment and atmosphere for students, and help students grow and become talented.

Dean Qi Yudong delivered a speech

Wang Jiayin, representative of the Student Union of the University, and Yan Yi, representative of the Graduate Student Union of the University, delivered a speech, saying that the Student Union and graduate Student Union of BNUBS actively implemented various work and carried out many activities with the characteristics of the School in the 2022-2023 academic year, which won praise from both inside and outside the School. They hoped we can create new achievements for the campus construction, build a stage for students to realize their dreams and Continue to write a more wonderful chapter.

Wang Jiayin, representative of the Student Union, Yan Yi, representative of the Graduate Student Union, delivered a speech

Liu Wanru, AssociateSecretary of the 10th Youth League Committee, made a report on the preparatory work of the 11th Congress of the Communist Youth League of BNUBS, the 39th Student Congressand the 12th Graduate Student Congress.

Wu Tong, member ofthe presidium of the 38th session of the Student Union, made qualification review report of the 11thCongressof the Communist Youth League, the 39th Student Congress and the 12thGraduate Student Congress of BNUBS.

Liu Wanru and Wu Tong respectively made a report on the preparatory work of the conference and a report on the qualification examination of delegates

Zhang Panyan, AssociateSecretary of the 10th Youth League Committee, Zheng Qiaoyi, a member of the presidium of the 38th session of the Student Union, and Zhang Ni, a member of the presidium of the 43rd session of the Graduate Association, respectively made the work report of the 10th Committee of the Communist Youth League, the 38th session of the Student Committee, and the 43rd session of the Graduate Association.

Zhang Panyan, Zheng Qiaoyi and Zhang Ni made work reports

At the halftime of the conference, the guests took a group photo.

The group photo

In the second stage of the Congress, the deputies deliberating and adopting the methods for the election of the Congress, the list of general supervisors and supervisors, and announcing the list of general tellers and tellers.

The conference officially entered the election process, all procedures would be strictly in accordance with the election methods voted by the delegates, and the candidates would run in order. Subsequently, under the auspices of the chief vote supervisor, the General Assembly elected the Associate Secretary of the 11th Committee of 5the Youth League Committee by secret ballot online voting, the chairman of the 39th Student Committee and the head of the Student Development Center, the Chairman of the 44th Graduate Student Association and the head of the Student Development Center. During the voting, the delegates heard and approved a working report on the proposal. Teacher Chang Xinyang, Teacher Li Lun, Teacher Zhang Huilin respectively made detailed feedback and answers of the proposal from the aspects of education and teaching, employment practice, campus life and other aspects.

Chang Xinyang, Li Lun, Zhang Huilin replied to the proposal

By secret ballot, Zhang Buxin and Lin Yijia were elected as Associate Secretaries of the 11th Youth League Committee of BNUBS. Che Bingjie, Liu Wenhui, Li Yingjue, Liu Yun and Wang Hongyang were elected as the presidium members of the 39th Student Union and the heads of the Student Development Center of BNUBS. Xie Jiaqi, Jiang Meiru, Qi Jingyu, Mo Jianlin, Yang Qianglin and Xue Xiao were elected as the presidium members of the 44th Graduate Student Union and the heads of the Student Development Center of BNUBS.

Ms. Han Lili, AssociateSecretary of the Party Committee of the School, delivered a speech at the closing ceremony. Combined with the actual work of the School, she affirmed the hard work of the student leaders, but pointed out that hard work should not be the end, the more important thing is to improve themselves and improve the ability of being the student leaders. First, try to learn professional knowledge well, take the lead and work hard to keep enthusiasm; The second is to enhance the sense of service, improve the level of service, to be a good friend of the students, and to serve the overall situation of the construction and development of the School; Third, do a good job of time and task management, seize the fragmented time, clear priorities, build unity and cooperation to build consensus; The fourth is to cultivate the spirit of pursuing excellence, enhance the awareness of innovation, explore the innovation of work mode, build the brand of group school activities, solve problems and pain points, and promote the implementation of future work ideas; Fifth, be good at thinking and summarizing, strengthen your hard skills, and be a person who can bring value to yourself and others.

Han Lili, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, delivered a speech

After completing the agenda, the 11th Congress ofthe Communist Youth League, the 39th Student Congress and the 12th Graduate Student Congress were successfully closed in a loud group song.

This conference was held at the key node of the whole school's teachers and students to deeply study and implement the Xi JinpingThought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, and further study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League.

The conference called on the youth League organizations and members of the School to inherit and develop the fine tradition of student work in the BNUBS under the correct leadership of the School Party committee and the superior league organizations, with the strong support of the brother league organizations, taking this conference as a starting point, firm ideals and beliefs, hone skills, pursue excellence, forge ahead, and make the rhythm of youth a harmony of the same frequency resonance of The Times. In the practice of growing and becoming talented, we will create new achievements and show new style, and jointly become economic and management personnel with "four qualities", contribute to the construction of a first-class economic and management school with "cultural heritage and international influence", and achieve more brilliant achievements!

Provided by Youth League Committee Office

Edited by Zhang Huilin

Reviewed byHan Lili