Conference of Macroeconomic Policy on Employment Promotion Was Successfully Held in Beijing Normal University
Time :2016-12-10

On November 25, 2016, Conference of Macroeconomic Policy on Employment Promotion was successfully held in Jingshi Hall of BNU. Hosted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) and co-sponsored by BNU Business School, the conference was to provide intellectual support for the formulation and implementation of China’s employment policies and further promote people’s livelihood and develop economy by discussing the macro-policy practice of promoting employment both at home and abroad, based on China’s reality and drawing on international experience. The scholars from relevant government departments, international organizations and well-known institutions from home and abroad attended the meeting.  


The guests of the seminar included: Zhang Yizhen, Vice Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, Azita Berar Awad, Director of Employment Policy Division of the ILO, Liu Li, Vice Secretary of Party Committee of BNU, Wu Daohuai, Director of Employment Promotion Department of MHRSS, Hao Bin, Director of International Cooperation Department of MHRSS, Zhang Ying, Vice Director of Employment Promotion Department of MHRSS, Wang Yadong, senior expert of the Labor Market of the ILO, Tim De Meyer, Director of the China and Mongolia Bureau of the ILO, Makiko Matsumoto, Employment Specialist of the Asia-Pacific Bureau of ILO, Richard B. Freeman, Professor of Harvard University, Francesco Saraceno, senior economist of France Economic Research Center, Soledad Villafañe, Director of Macroeconomic Research and Coordination of Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Argentina, C.P. Chandrasekhar, Professor of Nihil University in India, You Jong-II, Professor of Korean Institute for Development Studies, Wei Jianing, vice President of the Department of Macroeconomics Development Research Center of the State Council, Wang Meiyan, Professor of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Lin Guijun, Vice President of the University of International Business and Economics, Gao Jian, Party Secretary of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, Lu Feng, Vice Dean of the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, Guo Qingwang, Dean of School of Finance, Renmin University of China, and Lai Desheng, Dean of BNUBS, and etc. The opening ceremony was chaired by Tim De Meyer, Director of the China and Mongolia Bureau of ILO.




In his speech, Azita Berar Awad, Director of the ILO’s Employment Policy Division, expressed his thanks to the experts and scholars for their wisdom and contribution to promoting employment, and pointed out the importance of macroeconomic policies to promote employment. Liu Li, Vice Secretary of the BNU’s Party Committee also welcomed and thanked the scholars for their arrival.


The keynote speeches were presided over by Wang Yadong, Senior Labor Market Expert of ILO. Professor Wang Meiyan of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Lai Desheng, Dean of BNUBS and Professor Lu Feng, Vice Dean of the National Development Research Institute of Peking University delivered speeches respectively.


There were two parts in keynote speeches, which were presided over by Makiko Matsumoto, Employment Specialist of ILO Asia-Pacific Bureau, and Hao Bin, Director of International Cooperation Department of MHRSS respectively.     





The free discussion was presided over by Wu Daohuai, Director of MHRSS’s Employment Promotion Department. Then, the guests delivered brilliant speeches on the topics of formulating macroeconomic policy, preventing and responding to the risk of large-scale unemployment, improving existing laws and regulations and resolving problems of entrepreneurial financing, innovation ability and etc.


At the closing ceremony of the Forum, Azita Berar Awad, Director of the ILO’s Employment Policy Division congratulated the fruitful results of the seminar.


Other participants included: Liu Yanbin, Director of MHRSS’s China Labor and Social Security Research Institute, Zheng Dongliang, Director of MHRSS’s Institute of Labor Sciences, Mo Rong, MHRSS’s International Labor and Social Security Research Institute, Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of BNUBS, Zhang Pingdan, Vice Dean of BNUBS, Wei Hao, Director of the Department of International Trade, Xing Chunbing, Professor of the Department of Economics, and leaders, experts and scholars from ILO, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the People’s Bank of China , China Banking Regulatory Commission, MHRSS and other relevant government departments, the Chinese Academy of Personnel Sciences, Peking University, BNU, University of International Business and Economics, Ali Research Institute and other relevant units.