The Cognitive Neuroscience Forum of BNU & the Laboratory Establishment Ceremony Were Successfully Held
Time :2016-12-06

In the morning of October 20, 2016, the Cognitive Neuroscience Forum of BNU Business School and Laboratory Establishment Ceremony were successfully held in the Jingshi Building. Professor Ma Qingguo, Director of the Neuroscience Management Laboratory of Zhejiang University and Research Founder of the International Neuroscience Research Program, Meng Qingfeng, Director of the Policy Bureau of National Natural Science Foundation, Fu Guoqun, Director of the Marketing Research Society of Chinese Universities, Editor in Chief of “Journal of Marketing Science” and Professor of Peking University, Professor Liu Guoqiang, Director of the Editorial Department of “Accounting Research”, Professor Xue Gui, Director of the Brain and Learning Science Research Center of BNU, Professor Liu Chao, a researcher of State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning at Beijing Normal University, Professor Zhang Pingdan, Vice Dean of BNUBS, Professor Cui Xuegang, Director of Cognitive Management Laboratory and associate professor Su Song, Vice Director of Cognitive Management Laboratory and director of Marketing Department attended the forum and the laboratory establishment ceremony. The forum also attracted more than 100 teachers, doctors and masters from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Research Group on Military Decision - making of the Ministry of Aerospace, Beijing Institute of Beijing Water Conservancy and Design Institute, BNUBS, School of Psychology of BNU and School of Brain and Cognition of BNU. 


The opening ceremony of the laboratory was presided by Professor Cui Xuegang. Zhang Pingdan, Vice Dean of BNUBS, Ma Qingguo, Director of Laboratory of Neuroscience of Zhejiang University, Fu Guoqun, Chief Editor of Journal of Marketing Science and Liu Guoqiang, Editor of Accounting Research delivered speeches. Expressing congratulations to the establishment of Cognitive Neuroscience laboratory, the speakers pointed out at the same time that neuroscience research was a frontier discipline of neuroscience and management and had a broad prospect of research and application. With the research advantage in the field of neuroscience, the laboratory strengthens cooperation and communication and innovates management research by setting up a platform, which brings promising future for promoting China’s management research level and achieving landmark research results. Professor Su Song introduced the concept of laboratory construction and development program and pointed out that the functional positioning of the laboratory is a platform for experimental support, academic exchange, discipline construction and achievement condensing.



The forum session was presided over by Professor Su Song. Professor Ma Qingguo, Director of the Laboratory of Neuroscience of Zhejiang University, delivered a speech at first. He reviewed the origin of neural management and analyzed the trends, approaches and strategies of neuroscience in management theory innovation and practice innovation. Professor Xue Gui, Director of Brain and Learning Science Research Center of BNU, based on the papers published in the Science Journal which researched the neural mechanism of financial decision-making, introduced in detail the emotional decision and rational decision, brain reward system and organizational incentive, brain region activities and measurement techniques, recurring the whole process of research topic selection, research design and research results; based on over 10 papers of neuro-finance and neural accounting published in Journal of Finance, The Accounting, Organization, Society and other top international financial and accounting journals in recent years, Professor Cui Xuegang, director of Cognitive Neurology Laboratory of BNUBS, introduced ways to combine neuroscience and finance, accounting research methods, theoretical sources, research paradigm, experimental design and data analysis techniques, and looked into the research prospect and challenges of neuro-finance and neuro-accounting. Then, Professor Liu Chao, a researcher of State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning at BNU, introduced the application of cognitive neuroscience in the study of consumer behavior. Finally, Su Song summarized the conference briefly and the forum ended in warm applause.