The 6th “China Labor Market Development Forum” & Release Conference of “2016 China’s Labor Market Development Report” Were Successfully Held
Time :2016-12-08

On November 24, 2016, the 6th “China Labor Market Development Forum” & Release Conference of “2016 China Labor Market Development Report” were held in Jingshi Hall of BNU with the theme of “female employment in the process of gender equality”. Chen Li, the vice president of Beijing Normal University attended the press conference and delivered a speech. The conference was presided over by Lai Desheng, Dean of the BNU Business School and Director of the Labor Market Research Center.


Chen Li pointed out in her speech that the issues of women’s employment and growth, including the status of women and men in society, were an important observation point and sign of both social progress and women’s self-growth. She believed that “2016 China’s Labor Market Development Report” was released in a timely manner and there were many new discoveries, as well as good recommendations to further promote women’s equal employment. Reflecting research group’s high sense of social responsibility, it was in line with BNU’s focus on discipline development in recent years and one of the highlights of the recent work on “income distribution and the labor market” of the cross-disciplinary platform supported by schools.


Meng Dahu, vide director of labor market research center of BNU gave an account of the main report of “2016 China’s Labor Market Development Report”. He believes that in the process of promoting gender equality, Chinese women are faced with new opportunities for employment, as well as many challenges and problems.


In the thematic discussion session, Feng Lei, the vice director of Female Department of National Federation of Trade Unions, Sun Zhongzhen, Director of Income Distribution and Employment Division of the National Development and Reform Commission Employment, Yang Yinglin, Director of the Department of Employment Promotion of the Ministry of Personnel and Social Development of China, Zhang Juwei, president of the Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and president of Chinese Society of Labor Economics, Zhang Youyun, Executive Director of the China Employment Promotion Association and first Director of the Bureau of Gender Equality of the International Labor Organization, Wang Yadong, senior fellow of the ILO labor market and former inspector of the Department of Employment Promotion of the Ministry of Personnel, Du Jie, vice director of Women’s Research Institute of the All-China Women’s Federation and executive editor of “Women’s Studies”, Wang Dashu, professor of School of Economics, Peking University, Hao Jianbin, general director of Employment Research in Ali Research Institute and other experts and scholars and spoke highly of the “2016 China’s Labor Market Development Report” and discussed deeply into the issues of relevant theory, practice and policy of women’s development and employment in the next stage.


Other participants included Liu Changxu, director of BNU Party Committee Publicity Department, Ye Long, Director of Beijing Jiaotong University Social Science Division, Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of BNUBS, Tian Yongpo, director of human resources market research office China Academy of Personnel Research, Yang Hui, fellow of the Women’s Research Institute of the All-China Women’s Federation, Su Lifeng, associate professor of the University of International Business and Economics, Liao Juan, associate professor of the School of Public Administration, Capital Normal University and Liu Na, associate professor of Beijing University of Architecture and etc.