BNU Business School and China Hi-Tech Group Co., Ltd Held the Internship Base Signing Ceremony
Time :2016-12-05

On the afternoon of November 17, 2016, BNUBS signed a cooperation agreement on the internship base with China Hi-Tech Group Co., Ltd in the Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center and held a grand signing ceremony. The two sides will form a good strategic cooperative relationship in employment recommendation, talent recruitment, talent internship base construction and so on.

Mr. Yin Tao, the President of China Hi-Tech Group Co., Ltd., and other leaders of the Company as well as leaders of BNUBS, teachers and students attended the signing ceremony which was presided over by vice dean Cui Xuegang.


On behalf of BNUBS, Sun Zhijun, secretary of the Party Committee, expressed warm welcome to the leaders of China Hi-Tech Group. He pointed out the construction of the internship base was an important measure to strengthen contacts with enterprises and improve the quality of talent training. BNUBS, which has established more than 20 high-quality internship bases, always attaches importance to the develop, construct and use the bases. The signing with China Hi-Tech Group marks a solid step for our cooperation with China Hi-Tech Group.


Expressing his gratitude to BNUBS, the President of China Hi-Tech Group Co., Ltd. Yin Tao hopes that through this cooperation, the Company will be more closely linked with BNU, providing more internship opportunities for students and attracting more talents to the Company.


After the signing ceremony, on behalf of BNUBS, Secretary Sun Zhijun issued the plaque of BNUBS Internship Base to President Yin Tao. Then the the two sides took a group photo to mark the occasion and the signing ceremony ended successfully.



Brief Introduction of China Hi - Tech Group

Led by the Ministry of Education, China Hi-Tech Group Co., Ltd. was founded by Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and other 63 well-known higher education institutions in June 1992. On July 26, 1996, China Hi - Tech stocks were listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with the stock code of 600730. Deeply concerned about the status of China's education industry, China Hi-Tech actively responds to the call of the country and carefully thinks about their own responsibilities and mission. In 2015, making the field of education as a strategic direction for future development, it is committed to higher education vocational education, vocational training and international cooperation in education, creating industry-leading vocational education group and undertaking the due responsibility for the development of China's education.