The 11th BNUMUNC Successfully Held
Time :2016-11-25

From November the 4thto the 6th, the 11thBNU Simulation of the United Nations General Assembly was held in BNU Business School. The theme of this year was “Over Time and Space”, which aims to encourage new cooperative contents and format “over time and space”.


The opening speech was given by 本恒西哈拉 from the Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, who reviewed the achievements that the UN made in the past 71 years in areas such as poverty, disease and world peace. She expressed her hopes for the young generation to pay more attention to politic affairs and see the world as a whole, to fully exercise oneself and take the first step to change the world.


Around200 representatives from over 20 institutions attended this event, discussing the four major global topics: Drugs, Artificial Intelligence (ai), Arctic Pole Channel Developmentand Peace Negotiation of the Kurdish Region; thereforeraising dimensional andcomprehensive solutions from the youth’s perspective.


Article Submission: Zhang Xuan