Career Development and Employment Management International Forum was successfully launched
Time :2016-11-17

From November 5 to 6, 2016, held by Beijing Normal University and the University of Science and Technology of China and co-hosted by Business School and School of Government of Beijing Normal University, the third “Career Development and Employment Management" International Forum was successfully launched in Beijing Normal University. More than 130 experts, scholars and students from over 50 universities, research institutes, publishing houses and periodical editorial departments at home and abroad attended the conference.

The conference has set up a platform for domestic and foreign career development and employment management experts and scholars to exchange views and will promote the formulation and improvement of relevant policies and contribute to the healthy and stable development of the national economy.

On the morning of November 5, the conference was started in Jingshi Hall of Beijing Normal University. Professor Zhou Zuoyu, Vice President of Beijing Normal University, and Dr. Yang Liehun, Director of the Department of Management Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, delivered speeches at the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Lai Desheng, Dean of Business School, Beijing Normal University. After the opening ceremony of the conference, Professor Weng Qingxiong from the School of Management of the University of Science and Technology of China took charge of the theme forum, in which five guests delivered wonderful speeches.


On the afternoon of November 5, in the four sub-forums held in Jingshi Hall, 43 articles selected from the more than 50 papers submitted were reported. The scholars discussed actively, representing a nice academic atmosphere with remarkable results. On the morning of November 6, five experts and scholars made splendid speeches at theLecture Hallof Yingdong Building.

Subsequently, Professor Yu Haibo,the Party secretary of School of Government,Beijing Normal Universitypresided over the closing ceremony and expressed sincere gratitude and thanks to the participation and active interaction. As the forum sponsor, Professor Weng Qingxiong from the School of Management of the University of Science and Technology of China summarized the forum and expressed thanks to the Business School and the School of Government as well as the future prospects. Finally, Lai Desheng, the President of the conference announced the successful end of the forum and his hope to meet again in the next year.