Professor Li Shi of BNU Business School Led a Delegation To Visit the US
Time :2016-11-14

In order to promote the establishment of the Micro-Simulation Research Center of China's Income Distribution Policy, Prof. Li Shi, Executive Dean of the China Income Distribution Research Institute of Beijing Normal University led a delegation to visit the Urban Institute, the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)from October 25 to 28. The delegation members included Prof. Li Shan-Tong, researcher of the State Council Development Research Center, Dr. Zhu Qing from National Employment 
and Income Distribution Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, Dr. Wan Haiyuan, Vice President of China Income Distribution Research Institute, Dr. Zhan Peng from Nanjing University of Finance and Economics and China Income Distribution Research Institute and so on.

The main purpose of this visit was to share experiences in the construction and maintenance of micro-simulation models. During the visit, Professor Li Shi introduced the current situation and problems of income distribution in China and clarified the necessity and importance of the micro-simulation model in analyzing China's policy. Income & Benefits Policy Center of the Urban Research Instituteintroduced the Institute's work in different topics, including “Introductions and Overview", "Income and Poverty of the Urban Research Institute" and etc. In the end, the two sides carried on in-depth communication on future issues of long-term cooperation.

From October 27 to 28, the delegation also visited the headquarters of the World Bank and the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington, DC. The delegation discussed the issues ofincome distribution policy and its research trends, high-income accounting, wealth inequality, and the World Bank's commonly used policy research tools with the World Bank Research Department and exchangedincome distribution and poverty research trends, CGE-microsimulation model and other issues with International Food Policy Research Institute.

The fruitful achievements of this visit will significantly promote the construction of China's micro-simulation research center, and further improve China's assessment and practice of relevant policies.