2016 BNUBS-IBS International Summer School Comes to a Successful End
Time :2016-07-17

On July 15th, BNUBS-IBS International Summer School graduation ceremony was successfully held in the Rear Main Building 1620, Beijing Normal University. Dean of BNUBS, LAI Desheng, Dean of IBS, Daniel Britto, Deputy Dean Professor CUI Xuegang, Professor HE Liping, Dr. CAI Hongbo, Dr. ZHANG Ruixin, Dr. CHEN Jidong and SHANG Yihongattended the event. Director of IBS Beijing Office LI Jingya presided over the ceremony.

A 30-minute video prepared byIBS Beijing office, made teachers and students recall the past two weeks of life they spent together. After the video, the graduation ceremony officially began.


Dean LAI Desheng fully affirmed the students’ achievements, and pay his thanks to all the faculties and students fortheir hard work. He also encouraged the students to broaden their horizons and endeavor to create a harmonious and prosperous world together. Afterwards, Dean Britto gave a high appraisal to the successful running of International Summer School, and showed his deep appreciation to BNUBS faculties, volunteers and Summer School students.

In the end of the ceremony, Dean LAI Desheng and Dean Britto together awarded the certificate to the Summer School students one by one and awarded three students the “outstanding student”.

BNUBS-IBS International Summer School isheld by Beijing Normal University Business School (BNUBS) and International Business School Americas (IBS).For the first time running, the program offered wonderful courses, includingChina's Economy, Corporate Strategy, International Trade and Investment, Cross-cultural Management. Meanwhile, the students also visited the Quanjude and Lenovo, experiencing Chinese high-tech enterprise and traditional enterprise. The activities enabled them to have a more intuitive understanding of China’s economy.

Two weeks of the International Summer School lefta deep impression to the students. They have obtained valuable life experience and friendship. They said they would like to introduce and recommend this rewarding program to their friends and let more people know.