BNUBS-IBS International Summer School Opening Ceremony Successfully Held
Time :2016-07-08

On July the 1stof 2016, the opening ceremony for the Beijing Normal University Business School (BNUBS) and International Business School Americas (IBS)mutually organized “Strategy & Marketing for Emerging Countries” themed International Summer School was held in BNU. Hosted by the IBS Beijing Office Director Li Jingya, attendants included Director Daniel Pitelli de Britto of the IBS-SP- International Business School, Prof. Ying Wu of Salisbury University, BNU Business School Dean Lai Desheng, Associate Dean Cui Xuegang, Assistant to the Dean CaiHongbo, BNUBS teachers such as Guo Ji, Fang Fang, Zhang Ruixin, Han Lili and Shang Yihong. Also 40 summer school program participants from 9 countries.

Opening Ceremony Group Photo


On the opening ceremony, Dean Lai Desheng began his speech by welcoming global international participants and lecturers. He expressed his hopes of long-term cooperation with IBS and hoped that this summer school program could be continuously organized. Dean Lai then generally introduced the Beijing Normal University and the BNU Business School, focusing on BNUBS’s internationalization achievements. Dean Lai ended his speech by wishing that all participants are able to gain extraordinary experiences from this year’s BNUBS-IBS International Summer School.

Dean Lai Desheng’s Opening Speech


DeanDaniel Britto first expressed his gratitude towards BNUBS’s efforts in the organization of this International Summer School program. He indicated that for many participants, this is already their third or fourth time of attending IBS International Summer School programs worldwide. This year’s BNUBS-IBS International Summer School is the first in China as well as Asia, Dean Britto expressed his delight in seeing last year’s idea soon becoming this year’s reality, hoping that the participants could further understand China through lectures and activities such as company visits.

Daniel Britto’sSpeech


Afterwards, the summer school teacher representative Ms. Zhang Ruixin generally introduced the Emerging Market Economies and China’s Economic Development Situations; indicating that theBNUBS-IBS International Summer School is the best way for participants to witness and understand what’s currently happening to the Chinese economy; she also expressed that she hopes to have more interactive and communicating opportunities with the participants in the following two weeks.

Teacher Representative Ms. Zhang Ruixin


Marcos Guirrofrom Brazil was selected to be the student representative, who began his speech with “I’m Brazilian, I live in Sao Paulo, I’m currently a studentstudying in Beijing Normal University” and winning warm applause. He expressed that coming to China to attend this program is something unimaginable to him, and now he is full of expectations as his dream has come true.

Student Representative Marcos Guirro


BNU Business School Maxdo program sophomore Huang Chuying gave a speech as the volunteer representative. She expressed her honor and delight of being selected as a volunteer to attend the BNUBS-IBS International Summer School; also introducing other volunteers and all solemnly promised that they will provide full range support and services to summer school participants in the following two weeks.

Volunteer Representative Huang Chuying

Self-introductionof the Participants


The last section was the Self-introduction of BNUBS-IBS Summer School Participants – characterized, personalized and lively introductions won bursts of applause.


This summer school program’s 40 participants came from 9 countries such as Brazil, Britain, Chile, Australia, South Africa and China with a wide age range…the youngest being 20 years old and the eldest is currently 67 years old.


From July the 1st to the 15th, program participants will be attending lectures and conducting case studies on topics such as Chinese Economy, Business Strategy, International Trade and Investment, as well as Cross-cultural Management. Participants will also be visiting well-known Chinese enterprises such as the Lenovo Group and the Quanjude Group. In the end of this summer school program, participants will be required to work in groups to present a final presentation on "making plans to help a currently existing foreign company open China’s doors".


(Article Submission: Li Jingya)