BNU Business School 2016 Graduation Ceremony Successfully Held
Time :2016-06-26

On June the 10th, the BNU Business School 2016 Graduation Ceremony was held in the BNU Student Activity Center. BNU Business School Dean Lai Desheng, Sub-Party Committee Secretary Sun Zhijun, Sub-Party Committee Deputy Secretary Ge Yuliang, head teachers Zhang Huili, Chang Xinyang, Zhang Xuan and other BNU Business School teachers such as Zhang Haiyan, Xu Xing and Li Kun attended this event.

The opening video was a collection of graduation blessings from celebrities. Then the hot opening dance and toughing song “Try Everything” was able to excite everyone. The International Trade class performed a comedy show and singed a song. The Economics class’s group dance pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The Business School Student Union performed the self-revised music “Wonderful Powers” with guitars and harmonicas, also sharing their student union experiences with everyone.Afterwards, attending teachers sent their wishes to graduating students through a short video; then the exciting magic show presented by Deng Jiangyang won rounds of enthusiastic applause.


Other interesting contents included two “Lucky Draw” sessions, songs by Xu Shanjing and Xu Miaoqi, a dance in traditional Chinese clothing, cross talk, short sketch as well as other dances and songs. The Graduation Ceremony event ended with a “Goodbye Youth” medley of songs performed by Zhang Kaiyan, Long Andi, Tang Xuekun and Zhang Xinyi. This night is meant to be one that everyone would remember.



(Article Submission: Tang Ziyuan)