BNU Business School Students Winning the “HSBC Business Case Competition”
Time :2016-04-28

On April 17th, the “2016 HSBC Mainland China Business Case Competition” was held in Peking University - Guanghua Management School. This competition is mutually organized by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) and the Asia Case Research Center (ACRC) of the University of Hong Kong. Ten attending teams came from prestigious universities such as the Peking University, Renmin University and Fudan University. After intensive competition, the BNU team represented by Zou Caiwen, Liang Zuming, Han Jiabao and Gao Yufei became the grand winner under the guidance of their team teacher Mr. Jiao Hao.


The HSBC Business Case Competition included two sections: the elimination round and the final competition. This competition adapted enclosed discussion combined with English presentations. The case for the first round was “KFC food security”, for which the BNU team used management consulting tools such as PEST and stakeholder analysis, analyzed problems with KFC’s supply chain, and came up with a practical solution to solve KFC’s problems in product quality and public relations. Their solution was highly praised by the judges and won No. 3inentering the final round.


The case of the final competition was about the merger and acquisition between Coca-Cola and Huiyuan Juice. Gaining experiences from the elimination round in the morning, the BNU team was more efficient with time management and framework division, being more at ease in their actual discussionsection. In their final presentation, they analyzed three aspects from Coca-Cola company’s perspective, including the government, local competitors and the public; thus coming to the conclusion of supporting the merge, also proposing practical termsfor future negotiation purposes.


During the competition, the BNU representative team not only established friendship with participants from other prestigious universities, but also fully showed their excellency in collaborative teamwork, case analysis and final presentation; receiving high appraisal from the judges as well as other contestants.