BNU Business School Teaching Steering Committee Meeting Held
Time :2016-04-25


The BNU Business School Teaching Steering Committee Meeting was recently held on April the 20th of 2016. Hosted by the Committee Director Prof. Qu Ruxiao, attendants included Prof. Sun Zhijun, Associate Professor Chen Yan, Associate Professor Jiao Hao, Associate Professor Su Song and Associate Professor Wu Qinhong.



The meeting examined and verified applications on: the opening of certain part-time teachers’ courses; adding new optional courses for the Business Administrationprogram and adjusting the opening semester of the Accounting program’s “Accounting” course. In addition, this meeting also discussed how to further standardize and strengthen BNU Business School’s part-time teachermanagement: they will be required to sign course employment contracts, their political thought performances will be evaluatedand they are also required to accomplish their teaching missions according to the school regulations. This meeting also discussed that the Business Administration program should increase practical optional courses according to students’ learning and employment requirements; thus adding more professional characteristics to this program. Ernest and sufficient investigation is also required, to define the future development direction of this program.


Afterwards, the committee members discussed issues such as summer school programs for graduate students, talent cultivation and institutional development.


 (Article Submission: Xu Xing)