Create, Share and Double-win – 2016 Jing Shi Alumni New Year Forum
Time :2016-03-23

On January the 17th of 2015, The “Create, Share and Double-win” themed 2016 Jing Shi Alumni New Year Forum was held in Beijing Normal University Jing Shi Conference Hall. Organized by BNU Business School Alumni Association, BNU Entrepreneurs Alumni Association, BNU Media Alumni Association and BNU Graduate Student Association; this forum is hosted by Shen Gaohua, who is the CEO of the Small Businesses Investment Group, BNU Business School Alumni Association Vice Chairman and BNU Entrepreneurs Alumni Association Vice Chairman. BNU alumni from enterprises, the financial, media and education industry gathered in Jing Shi Conference Hall to discuss new ideas and exploration on alumni career development in the “New Normal” economy; contributing to the innovative development of national education, national culture and the internet industry.


Opening guest speakers included Prof. Zhong Binglin, Chairman of the Chinese Society of Education, also Beijing Normal University Former President; Zhai Huisheng, China Journalists Association Party Committee Secretary, Vice Chairman, BNU Media Alumni Association Chairman and Tang Chao, Dragonsource Digital Media Group President, BNU Alumni Association Vice Chairman as well as BNU Entrepreneurs Alumni Association Chairman.

Upper Left: Shen Gaohua hosting the forum; Upper Right: Prof. Zhong Binglin

Left Bottom: Zhai Huisheng; Right Bottom: Tang Chao


Keynote speakers include: Prof. He Liping from BNU Business School; BNU Mathematics Institute Sub Party Committee Secretary Prof. Li Zhonglai; SuperMap Software Co., Ltd. Vice President Wang Kanghong; Prof. Wan Anlun from the BNU College of Journalism and Communications; Prof. Huang Ronghuai from BNU Smart Learning Institute; Hebei Province Tang Shan City Cao Feidian Cooperative Development Promotion Office Director Li Ruzhong and BNU Graduate Student Association Chairman Dan Sangzhu.

From left to right: Prof. He Liping, Prof. Li Zhonglai, Prof. Wan Anlun

From left to right: Prof. Huang Ronghuai, Office Director Li Ruzhong, BNU Graduate Student Association Chairman Dan Sangzhu


The2016 Jing Shi Alumni New Year Forum includes three sub-forums: Enterprise Innovation, Media Innovation and Education Innovation.


Enterprise Innovation Sub-Forum guest speakers include: Small Businesses Investment Group CEO Shen Gaohua; BNU Business School Professor He Liping; Tixa Tech Group President & CEO Zhang Xiangning; Beijing Dongshi North America Farm Science and Technology Ltd. Executive Director Su Hao; Beijing TT Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. Executive Director Yang Yi and Hypervic  Coffee CEO, GYL Alliance for Global Youth Leadership originator Zhang Meng.


Media Innovation Sub-Forum guest speakers include: Commercial Press General Manager Yu Dianli; China New Media Group Deputy Editor-in-Chief Chen Xiaoxia; BNU College of Journalism and Communications Professor Wan Anlun; BNU Graduate Student Association - Employment and Entrepreneurship Services Center Director Liu Jincheng and Microsoft ARD - Operation and Public Affairs Department Senior Director Shang Rong.


Education Innovation Sub-Forum guest speakers include: RYB Education Institution originator Shi Yanlai; Prof. Huang Ronghuai from BNU Smart Learning Institute; Furen Art Center Academic Director, Tsinghua University Wu Guanzhong Art Research Center Deputy Director& Researcher Li Dajun; China Kids General Manager Huang Haibo and BNU Education Department doctoral student Cao Zhaole.

Enterprise Innovation Sub-Forum Guest Speakers(from left to right): Shen Gaohua, He Liping, Zhang Xiangning, Su Hao, Yang Yi, Zhang Meng

Media Innovation Sub-Forum Guest Speakers (from left to right): Yu Dianli, Chen Xiaoxia, Wan Anlun, Liu Jincheng, Shang Rong

Education Innovation Sub-Forum Guest Speakers (from left to right): Shi Yanlai, Huang Ronghuai, Li Dajun, Huang Haibo, Cao Zhaole


On the 2015 “Two Sessions”, Prime Minister Li Keqiang emphasized the importance of “Mass Entrepreneurship, Multitude Innovation”. In recent years, more and more BNU graduates have started their new journey of innovation and entrepreneurship. The general public also focused their attention on fields such as Education, Culture, New Media, E-commerce and Internet Finance; which BNU graduates have unique advantages over others.


The aim of the annual alumni forum is to gather more BNU graduates together to find new interests and angels, enlighten and help each other to achieve more. This year’s annual forum was indeed a great success, and attending alumni have expressed great interest in the one next year.


(Article Submission: Liu Yang)