International Business Management Students US Study Tour
Time :2016-03-11

From February the 19th to the 28th of 2016, 20 students in major of International Business Management from BNU Business School grade 2013 and 2014 visited US cities such as Boston, New York and Washington DC for their study tour. This trip lasted for 9 days, aiming to help students open their vision and enrich their study lives; which is also an important part of student cultivation for BNU Business School’s major of International Business Management.



This study tour to the US offers rich and verified activities. Team members stayed at the New York University for the International Business Leadership featured short program which lasted for four days; experiencing unique US teaching methods, learning US business culture, mastering essential connotations of international business, students were also able to improve their abilities to use Business English fluently. Despite business courses, the BNU students also visited prestigious universities such as Harvard, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania; as well as the United Nations, Wall Street, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, the National Air and Space Museum etc.


This event is an important component of BNU Business School’s exploration in its internationalization teaching methods as well as internationalization teaching ability improvement, which is highly beneficial to the international talent cultivation of BNU Business School.


 (Article Submission: Zhou Jianghua)