BNU Business School Teachers Attended the 2016 Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting
Time :2016-01-19

From January the 2ndto the 5th of 2016, a group of Beijing Normal University Business School teachers flied to San Francisco to attend the 2016 Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) Annual Meeting. Team members include Prof. Li Shi, Prof. Luo Chuliang, Prof. Xing Chunbing and Dr. Xu Hui.


The Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) is a group of academic and professional organizations that are officially recognized by the American Economic Association (AEA) and are related to the study of social sciences.The AEA, in conjunction with approximately 55 associations in related disciplines, holds anannual meeting each January to present papers on general economic subjects. Over 520 scholarly sessions are held.A placement service operates to assist employers and job applicants; which begins a day prior to the meetings.


On this year’s meeting, Prof. Li Shi and Prof. Luo Chuliang presented a report on “A Comparison of Household Surveys”. The purpose of this paper to measure and estimate the distribution of personal income and related economic factors in both rural and urban areas of China. The BNU Business School group also registered for the professional placement service offered by AEA. Focusing on aspects such as academic capabilities, job position match rate and intentions to come to China; they interviewed the best candidateswho applied for relevant positions. Most of the candidates showed strong interest on the positions offered by BNU Business School and were highly active in communicating with the interviewers.


After the ASSA Annual Meeting, the BNU Business Schoolgroup were invited by Prof. Chan Kam Wing to visit the University of Washington at Seattle. This visit lasted for two days, and two seminars were held on January the 8th in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies. Prof. Xing Chunbing and Dr. Xu Hui gave an academic report on problems with China’s population flow; fully communicating with Jackson School’s scholars who are engaged in relevant studies afterwards.