The 2023 National Scholarship of BNUBS Review Proceeded Smoothly
Time :2023-10-23

In October 2023, BNUBS launched and promoted the scholarship selection related work in an orderly manner for the 2022-2023 academic year, and conducted the National Scholarship defense review for undergraduates on October 9 and the National Scholarship defense review for postgraduates on October 12, respectively, and the review site was open to students to observe and learn. Sun Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School; Han Lili, Associate secretary, heads of departments, teachers' representatives, teachers related to student work, and student representatives attended the review meeting respectively.

After individual application, material review and publicity, a total of 21 undergraduate students entered the undergraduate National scholarship interview and defense, and 6 academic master's and doctoral students entered the graduate National Scholarship interview and defense. The participating students first made a brief self-introduction. Then, the judging teachers and student representatives inspected the students' academic performance, scientific research competition, academic research, moral fashion, social practice, student work, literary and stylistic specialties and other aspects. The participating students answered the questions according to their own conditions. By secret ballot, eight students, including Zhou Meitong, Sun Tianyi, Zhao Chenghao, Gao Yunyang, Song Yizhen, Guo Jincheng, Liu Shuya and Zeng Jiayu, will be awarded the National Scholarship for undergraduate students in the 2022-2023 academic year. We would like to recommend Gao Xiangyu to participate in the National Scholarship for undergraduate students of Liyun College. After the supplementary evaluation organized by Liyun College, Gao Xiangyu is recommended to win the National Scholarship for undergraduate students in the 2022-2023 academic year. Two students, Li Zejun and Tian Yidi, won the National Scholarship for Master students in the 2022-2023 academic year.

The selection of this national scholarship fully reflects the principles of fairness, openness and justice, and also demonstrates the excellent quality of our students who are diligent, eager to learn, strive for scientific research, have integrity and ability, and are enthusiastic in practice, which is a full reflection of the training achievements of our undergraduate and graduate students. In the future, the School will also make full use of outstanding student resources such as national scholarship winners, relying on platforms such as undergraduate climbing plan and postgraduate teaching plan, to guide students in all aspects of study, competition and scientific research, give full play to the educational effect of scholarships, and encourage students to grow into talents.

Provided by Party Committee Office

Edited by Gao Jingjing

Reviewed by Han Lili