The Appointment and Removal of the Cadre Group Was Announced Smoothly
Time :2024-05-16

On May 15, 2024, the University held a meeting to announce the appointment and removal of cadres of BNUBS. School Party Committee standing Committee, Party Committee Organization Department Minister Zhang Yanyun, Vice minister Ma Xiao, members of the Cadre Groupof BNUBS, Party committee members, the head of the internal organs, teaching and labor Party branch secretary, teacher representatives and Party committee organization Department related comrades attended the meeting. Sun Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee of BNUBS, presided over the meeting.

Ma Xiao read out the decision of the School on the appointment and removal of cadres of BNUBS, and appointed Qi Yudong as the Dean of BNUBS on April 25, 2024. Jiang Jie was appointed Associate Dean , and Wei Hao and Hu Conghui were appointed Associate Dean of BNUBS (one year's probation); Zhang Pingan, Cui Xuegang and CaiHongbo were relieved from their posts as associate deans.

In his speech, Zhang Yanyun highly affirmed the contributions made by Zhang Pindan, Cui Xuegang and Cai Hongbo to the construction and development of the School during their tenure, and expressed sincere congratulations to the new team members. On behalf of the School Party Committee, he put forward three requirements for the new team: First, improve the political position, resolutely achieve the "two maintenance", firmly establish the "four consciousness", firmly carry out "four self-confidence", in-depth study and implementation of the Party's 20 major spirits, and implement the spirit of BNU’s 14th Party Congress and major decisions with a realistic and pragmatic style; Second, the party and government teams should work together, unite and cooperate, and lead the faculty and staff of the School to seek development; The third is to further enhance governance capacity, strengthen institutional construction, and create acultural atmosphere that pursues excellence, advocates rules, and creates participation.

Cui Xuegang, on behalf of the original team members, expressed his sincere thanks to BNU and the School for their guidance and support in the past few years, and expressed his sincere congratulations to the new administrative leadership team. He wished that under the leadership of the new administrative leadership team, the School would develop to a new level on the road to building an international first-class school of economics and management.

In their speeches, Jiang Jie, Wei Hao and Hu Conghui expressed their sincere thanks to the trust and training of the university Party Committee and the trust and support of all the teachers of the School. In the future, under the leadership of the Party committee and administrative team, they will improve the political position, enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of urgency, diligence and diligence, solid work, proactive, innovative, high quality and efficient completion of various tasks.

In his speech, Qi Yudong said that thanks to the high trust of the Party Committee of the School and all the teachers of the School, they will adhere to the integrity and innovation in the future, further emancipate our minds, boldly explore, and export the characteristic model of BNUBS in the construction of economic and management disciplines and personnel training,achieve the coordinated development of high-quality education and teaching, high-level scientific research, high-quality teachers, high-level international exchanges and efficient administration.

Sun Zhijun said in his speech that he firmly supported the decision of the university Party Committee and will continue to fully support and cooperate with the administrative team led by Dean Qi Yudong to carry out various work; He would like to express his heartfelt thanks to the former members of the administrative team, including Zhang Pingdan, Cui Xuegang and Cai Hongbo, for their efforts and wisdom for the development of the School, and congratulate the new members of the team. It is expected that the party and government teams will work together, fulfill their duties, and work hard. Under the leadership of the School Party Committee, they will grasp the development opportunities actively, seize the momentum, unite and lead all teachers and students to strive for the development of the School to a new level.

Contributed by Party Committee Office

Edited by Wang Jun

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun