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Tang honghong

Honghong Tang
Address: Business School,
Beijing Normal University
19 Xinjiekou Wai Street,
Beijing 100875, P. R. CHINA
  • 2010-2016 Ph. D, Social Neuroscience, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning& IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Dissertation: The behavioral and neural mechanisms of fairness and deception

  • 2014-2015 Visiting graduate student in Department of Psychology and Neuroscience in Duke University, NC, USA, Project: The trade-off between honesty and fairness Advisor: Scott A. Huettel, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong

  • 2006-2010 BA, Applied Psychology, Department of Psychology, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China Dissertation: Effects of emotion on spatial attention and number processing

Research Interests Neuromanagement, neuromarketing, neuroaccounting, decision making, hyperscanning and group decision-making, emotion and morality, consumer science
Professional Experience
  • 2022-present Associate professor, Business School, Beijing Normal University

  • 2019-2022 Assistant professor, Business School, Beijing Normal University

  • 2016-2018 Postdoctoral fellow, Business School, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University

• Book Chapter
Tang, H. The variability of lying in multiple situations. Psychology of lying. (2020) Fu Xiaolan (Ed.)
• Article
  • Tang, H.; Zhu, R.; Liang, Z.; Zhang, S.; Su, S.; Liu, C. (2023 in press). Enhancing and weakening conformity in third‐party punishment: The role of empathic concern, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, e2315

  • Tang, H., Li, L., Su, S. (2022). Experiencing less leads to the use of more: The effect of a scarcity mindset on product usage. Journal of Business Research, 149, 139-148.

  • Zhu, R., Xu, Z., Su, S., Feng, C., Luo, Y., Tang, H., . . . Liu, C. (2021). From gratitude to injustice: Neurocomputational mechanisms of gratitude-induced injustice. Neuroimage, 245, 118730.

  • Zhu, R., Xu, Z., Tang, H., … Liu, C. (2020). The dark side of gratitude: Gratitude could lead to moral violation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 91, 104048.

  • Su R, Guo L., Tang, H, Ye P., Zhang S., Xiao Y., Liu W., Liu, C. (2020). Comprehensive sexuality education weakens the effect of in-group bias on trust and fairness. Sex Education, 20(1),33-45

  • Tang, H., Zhang, S., Jin, T., Wu, H., Su, S., & Liu, C. (2019). Brain activation and adaptation of deception processing during dyadic face-to-face interaction. Cortex, 120, 326-339.

  • Zhu, R., Xu, Z., Tang, H., Liu, J., Wang, H., An, Y., . . . Liu, C. (2019). The effect of shame on anger at others: awareness of the emotion-causing events matters. Cognition and Emotion, 33 (4), 696-708.

  • Zhu R, Wu H, Xu Z, Tang H. Shen X, Mai X, Liu C (2019). Early Distinction between Shame and Guilt Processing in an Interpersonal Context. Social Neuroscience. 14 (1), 53-66

  • Tang H. Lu X., Cui Z., Feng C., Lin Q., Cui X., Su S., Liu C (2018). Resting-state functional connectivity and deception: Exploring individualized deceptive propensity by machine learning. Neuroscience. 395:101-112.

  • Tang H., Wang S., Liang Z., W Sinnott-Armstrong, Su S., Liu, C (2018). Are proselfs more deceptive and hypocritical? Social image concerns in appearing fair. Frontiers in Psychology. SSCI. 9: 2286.

  • Tang H., Lu X., Su R., Liang Z., Mai X., & Liu, C. (2017). Washing away your sins in the brain: physical cleaning and priming of cleaning recruit different brain networks after moral threat. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(7): 1149–1158.

  • Tang H., Ye P, Wang S, Zhu R, Su S, Tong L and Liu C (2017) Stimulating the Right Temporoparietal Junction with tDCS Decreases Deception in Moral Hypocrisy and Unfairness. Frontiers in Psychology 8:2033.

  • Wu H., Tang H., Ge Y., Yang S., Mai X., Luo Y. J., & Liu C. (2017). Object words modulate the activity of the mirror neuron system during action imitation. Brain and Behavior.

  • Zhu R, Shen X, Tang H., Ye P, Wang H, Mai X, Liu C (2017). Self-Punishment Promotes Forgiveness in the Direct and Indirect Reciprocity Contexts. Psychological Reports, 120 (3), 408-422

  • Tang, H., Mai, X., Wang, S., Zhu, C., Krueger, F., & Liu, C. (2016). Interpersonal brain synchronization in the right temporo-parietal junction during face-to-face economic exchange. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(1): 23-32

  • Gan, T., Lu, X., Li, W., Gui, D., Tang, H., Mai, X.,… & Luo, Y. J. (2016). Temporal dynamics of the integration of intention and outcome in harmful and helpful moral judgment. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 2022

  • Lee, S. W.+, Tang, H.+, Wan, J., Mai, X., & Liu, C. (2015). A cultural look at moral purity: wiping the face clean. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:577 (+contributed equally)

  • Wu, H., Ge, Y., Tang, H., Luo, Y. J., Mai, X., & Liu, C. (2015). Language modulates brain activity underlying representation of kinship terms. Scientific Reports, 5:18473

  • Wu H, Mai, X., Tang, H., Ge, Y., Luo, Y.J., Liu, C. (2013). Dissociable Somatotopic Representations of Chinese Action Verbs in the Motor and Premotor Cortex. Scientific Reports 3: 2049

  • Liu, C., Tang, H., Luo, Y.J., Mai, X.Q. (2011). Multi-representation of symbolic and nonsymbolic numerical magnitude in Chinese number processing. PLoS ONE, 6(4): e19373.

  • Mai, X.Q., Ge, Y., Tao, L., Tang, H., Liu, C., Luo, Y.J. (2011). Eyes are windows to the Chinese soul: Evidence from the detection of real and fake smiles. PLoS ONE, 6(5): e19903 In Chinese:

  • Su S, Tang, H. (2017). The application of cognitive neuroseience in neuromarketing. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University (Social Sciences), 32(4):24-33. (In Chinese)

  • Ye P, Zhu R, Tang, H., Mai X, Liu C (2017). The application of functional near-infrared spectroscopy in social cognitive neuroscience. Advances in Psychological Science. 25(5):731-741. (In Chinese)

  • Zhang W, Tang, H., Liu C, Mai X (2016). Hyperscanning Used in the Measurement of the Brain Activity. Studies of Psychology and Behavior 14(6): 834-841 (In Chinese)

  • Gan T.; Li W; Tang, H.; Lu X.P.; Li X.L.; Liu, C., Luo, Y.J. (2013). Exciting the Right Temporo-Parietal Junction with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Influences Moral Intention Processing. Acta Psychologica Sinica. 45(9): 1004-1014 (In Chinese)

  • Zheng X.; Zhao L.B. Tang, H. (2012). How do Emotions Affect Number Comparison and Spatial Relations Judgment? Journal of Fuzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences).107(1): 97-101 (In Chinese)

Conference Presentations
  • Wu, S.#; Tang, H.#*; Ye, P.; Zhang, S.; Liu, C.; Neural Synchronization of compromise in Third Party Punishment: A fNIRS Hyper-scanning Study, NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Association for NeuroPsychoEconomics, online Zoom, 2021

  • Tang, H.; Su, S.; Liu, C.; The Underlying Neural Mechanism of Inaction Inertia in Consumption, 17th Annual Society for NeuroEconomics Meeting and the Consumer Neuroscience Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 2019

  • 2018 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): The neural correlates of group moral decision making in multiple-person interaction.

  • 2018 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: The neural correlates of inaction inertia.

Honors & Awards
  • 2023 Council member in the Social Cognitive Science Branch of China Cognitive Science Society

  • 2018 Fellowship in Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy, Duke University

Guest Reviewer
  • Cerebral Cortex、Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 、Social Neuroscience、Psychological Reports、Frontiers in Psychology、Acta Psychologica Sinica (in Chinese)