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11.4经济系seminar:An Experimental Study of the Competitive Saving Motive
发布时间:2014-10-27       浏览量:

  题:An Experimental Study of the Competitive Saving Motive

  间:2014114 (星期二)14:00-16:30


主讲人:Binglin Gong(龚冰琳)



内容简介:We use a series of laboratory experiments to study the hypothesis of the competitive saving motive proposed by Wei and Zhang (2011) and Du and Wei (2013). In a laboratory setting, we can easily change the sex ratio exogenously and consider both cases of excess men and those of excess women. We con.rm the basic prediction of the hypothesis that a rise in the sex ratio leads to a rise in the aggregate savings rate but find some interesting asymmetries between men and women. We also separately identify the competitive saving motive and a pure hedging motive and find that the hedging induced savings is negligible. Finally, we investigate the effect of heterogeneous incomes on competitive savings, something that is hard to obtain analytical results in the theory.


主讲人简介:Binglin Gong joined the School of Management at Fudan University in 2009 as an assistant professor of Industrial Economics. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from University of Maryland at College Park. Her fields of specialization include Experimental Economics, Industrial Organization and Microeconomics. In her study she builds theoretical models and uses experimental methodologies to test theories and policies. Her research covers a broad range from information disclosure, search behavior, financial bubbles, car license auction design to gender differences and the impact of gender ratio imbalance on saving decision. She has recently published on Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development.