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10.28首都教育经济研究院:Lunch Seminar
发布时间:2014-10-22       浏览量:
题  目:Skill Complementarities and Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from China’s College Enrollment Expansion
时  间:2014年10月28日12:30-14:00
地  点:科技楼C区310

We find that the increased supply of college graduates after China’s college enrollment expansion leads to an increase in college premiums for the old cohort and a decrease in college premiums for the young cohort. It is inconsistent with the canonical model assuming substitution between different types of workers. We then build a simple model that considers complementarities among different types of workers, and the predictions of the model are supported by empirical tests.

    孟岭生,男,清华大学经管学院副教授。2010年获美国马里兰大学经济博士。主要讲授课程包括:劳动经济学。研究领域包括劳动经济学,公共经济学,发展经济学。在Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Public Economics等国际期刊上发表过多篇学术论文。