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10.8经济系seminar:The Behavioral Economics of Health Protection Action
发布时间:2014-10-08       浏览量:

  题:The Behavioral Economics of Health Protection Action

  间:2014108 14:00-15:30




内容简介:In spite of theoretical predictions and abundant empirical evidence on moral hazard in medical insurance, evidence on moral hazard associated with work environment is very scarce. We study ex ante moral hazard problems by using employee survey data in the U.S hog industry from 1995 to 2005. We find that, even though agricultural producers provide protective devices to reduce the negative effect of worse environment on employee’s health, employees may not wear them. Among workers whose employers provide protective masks, those employed on family farms and not subject to an agency contract have 11% less moral hazard incidences than those employed on a general farm. The producers could help improve employee’s health by designing an incentive contract, reducing pollutants, providing protective devices and instilling the importance of using masks.


主讲人简介:于丽,中央财经大学中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心副教授,美国Iowa State University经济学博士。她的研究方向主要是人力资本, 以及与人力资本相关的收益, 技术进步,企业规模,农村发展,劳动力转移和企业家才能。她目前的研究课题是企业进出入市场与企业家精神。有多篇论文发表在American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Economics Letters, Agricultural Economics, China Economic Review等期刊上。