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9.25经济系seminar:What Drives the Clusters of Entrepreneurship? the Case of China
发布时间:2014-09-17       浏览量:

  题:What Drives the Clusters of Entrepreneurship? the Case of China

  间:2014925 14:00-15:30




  要:Entrepreneurship is distributed unevenly in China. Using China's economic census data, this paper explains this phenomenon separately for manufacturing and services. For both sectors, entrepreneurship measured as new private firms is positively related to young adults and elderly people. Manufacturing startups are negatively correlated with human capital, whereas service startups is positively correlated with human capital and the share of population who are migrants. Particularly, foreign direct investment and state-owned enterprises are found to be important for both sectors. We also provide new evidence on the significant existence of Marshallian and Chinitz agglomeration effects for manufacturing and services: proximity to input suppliers and output consumers facilitate the entry of new startups, especially if there are many small firms that provide inputs and consume outputs. All these factors plus industry and city fixed effects explain 50% and 65% of spatial variation in entrepreneurship for manufacturing and services in China.


主讲人简介:郑亮,中央财经大学管理科学与工程学院城市与房地产管理系讲师。2013年毕业于克拉克大学,获经济学博士学位。主要研究领域为城市经济学和劳动经济学。郑博士的论文发表在Papers in Regional Science等国际知名期刊。