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2020 BNUEE Conference Guide
发布时间:2020-11-03       浏览量:

1. Conference Venue

Jingshi Hotel 9406 (Fourth floor)


Beijing Normal University


#19 Xinjiekouwai Dajie, Beijing 100875

京师大厦 9406 (四楼)




新街口外大街 19 号,北京,100875




Note: Jingshi Hotel is located in the southeast corner of the campus (Red star on the above map) Hanting Hotel is located across from Jingshi Square (Purple star on the above map)

注:京师大厦位于北师大校园东南角(图上红色星) 汉庭酒店(积水潭店)位于北师大京师广场对面(图上紫色星)


2. Transportation

Airport to Beijing Normal University

    By taxi: about 60min, 100RMB

    By shuttle bus: get off at Beitaipingzhuang station, walk toward west, and turn left to the south, 25RMB

    By express train: transit in Dongzhimen station, take line 2 and get off at Jishuitan station, and then take the bus 22, or 47, or 88, get off at Beijing Normal University station, 30RMB


    方案一:乘坐出租车约 60 分钟,费用 100 元左右。

    方案二:乘坐机场大巴到北太平庄站下,往西再往南走 500 米,费用 25 元。

    方案三:乘坐机场快轨到东直门,换乘 2 号线到积水潭下,从地铁积水潭站 C 口 出,乘坐 22 路、47 路、88 路等在北京师范大学站下,费用 30 元左右。


Beijing West train station to Beijing Normal University

    By taxi: about 40min, 40RMB

    By subway: take the line 9, get off at the Guojiatushuguan station, and take bus 92, get off at Beijing Normal University station (South Gate).


    方案一:乘坐出租车约 40 分钟,费用 40 元左右。

    方案二:由北京西站乘地铁 9 号线(国家图书馆方向)到国家图书馆站(B 口 出),再换乘 92 路公共汽车到北京师范大学南门站下车,向东走约 100 米。


Beijing South train station to Beijing Normal University

    By taxi: about 53min, 42RMB

    By subway: take the line 4, get off at the Pinganli station, and take bus 22 or 88 at Huguosi station, get off at Beijing Normal University station. Walk toward East about 100m.


    方案一:乘坐出租车约 53 分钟,费用 42 元左右。

    方案二:由北京南站乘地铁 4 号大兴线(安河桥北方向)到平安里站(B 口 出),再到护国寺站换乘 22 路或 88 路公共汽车到北京师范大学站下车,向北行走约 100 米。


Beijing train station to Beijing Normal University

    By taxi: about 40min, 40RMB

    By subway: take the line 2, get off at the Jishuitan station, and then take the bus 22, or 47, or 88, get off at Beijing Normal University station. Walk toward North about 100m.


    方案一:乘坐出租车约 40 分钟,费用 40 元左右。

    方案二:由北京站乘地铁 2 号线(外环)到积水潭站(C 口出),再到积水潭南 站换乘 22 路(或 88 路、47 路等)公共汽车到北京师范大学站下车,向北行走约 100 米。


3. For Meals

Lunch for the 7th and the 8th:Jianweixuan Restaurant in Jingshi Hotel

7、8 日午餐: 京师大厦兼味轩餐厅

Dinner for the 7th:Lanhui Restaurant

7 日晚餐:兰蕙餐厅

Dinner for the 8th:Northwest Restaurant

8 日晚餐: 西北餐厅


4.Contact Information of Organizing Committee

Haoran He

Cellphone: 18611159549

Email: haoran.he@bnu.edu.cn


Boyu Zhang

Cellphone: 13522536728

Email: zhangby@bnu.edu.cn



