讲座主题 Topic:Change or Transition? Managing the Human Aspect of Change in transformation processes
Time: 18:00-20:00,31st March
Venue: Room 9406, Jingshi Building
讲座嘉宾:Claudia Bock-Valotta 泛美开发银行 副行长(行政与财务)
Guest: Claudia Bock-Valotta, Vice-President Finance and Administration
主持人:崔学刚 教授
Host: Prof.Cui Xuegang
Claudia Bock-Valotta, Vice-president for Finance and Administration at the Inter-American Development Bank, (IDB). She has more than 30 years of experience in international organizations and the consulting industry, in the fields of strategy, human resources, organization development, budget and controlling. Prior to joining the IADB, she worked for the European Central Bank (ECB), Arthur D. Little-Cambridge Consultants and United Nation (UN).