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11月21日战略管理系讲座 Resources, actions and performance: the moderating role of TMT heterogeneity
发布时间:2018-11-14       浏览量:

【报告题目】Resources, actions and performance: the moderating role of TMT heterogeneity



【主讲人】何晓明 北京交通大学企业管理系副教授





Building on the resource-based view (RBV) and competitive dynamics literatures, this paper proposes that considering resources or actions independently offers an incomplete understanding of the drivers of superior performance. Instead, we hypothesize that resources enable competitive actions and that when these actions leverage the firm’s resources, superior performance results. Our theory and results underscore how the integration of the competitive dynamics and RBV literatures can significantly improve our understanding of firm performance.

Moreover, details of top managements’ roles in shaping resource utilization choices have been underemphasized. We address this oversight by integrating top management team heterogeneity and any resulting faultline strength with the resource-action-performance model to investigate how TMT composition differentially affects the model’s two linkages. Specifically, we argue that TMT heterogeneity positively affects the resource-action linkage, yet negatively affects the action-performance linkage. Moreover, when heterogeneity begets strong faultlines, all such positive effect is lost.


何晓明于2010年毕业于美国Texas A&M University的Mays Business School,她目前是北京交通大学企业管理系的副教授。她的研究兴趣主要集中在三个方面:资源管理和动态能力、公司治理与高管团队、制度环境与跨国公司。

迄今为止,她已经在Strategic Management Journal(Dallas 24, ABS 4*), Journal of International Management (ABS 3), Journal of Business Research(ABS 3), and IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management(ABS 3)等高水平杂志上陆续发表了论文。

她是AoM, AIB和SMS的会员,除了给年会审稿外,她还给各类高水平杂志审稿,包括Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Long Range Planning, Global Strategic Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Management等。她目前是Management & Organization Review 杂志编委之一。