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5月 29日经济系学术讲座:“资本主义国家的军火交易与暴力冲突”
发布时间:2018-05-07       浏览量:

演讲人:Brett Benson 教授

时间:2018年5月 29日 下午 2:00-3:30



摘要:Does the global trade in small arms and light weapons affect the level of violence in civil war countries? We show how the arms trade network transmits violence from terminated civil war locations to countries with ongoing civil war, creating a partial conservation of violence. Terminating a civil war reduces battle deaths and demand for weapons in that country. Countries with ongoing civil war import more weapons at lower prices and experience an increase in battle deaths. Consequently, civil war terminations reduce global violence, but a portion of that violence is conserved and transmitted to civil wars elsewhere. Two implications follow. First, violence in civil wars is sensitive to changes in economic conditions in global markets. Second, the termination of war is itself a source of contagion for civil war. 


演讲人简介:Brett Benson教授2006年毕业于Duke大学,获博士学位,现在Vanderbilt大学担任长聘副教授。Brett Benson教授在国际政治经济学、博弈论和中国研究领域做出了一系列出色的研究。Benson教授是专著Constructing International Security: Alliances, Deterrence, and Moral Hazard (剑桥大学出版社, 2012年)的作者,并有很多研究成果发表在一流期刊,如Journal of Conflict Resolution,Journal of Politics等。