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4月16日京师经管名家讲坛(68):Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Dibao) Program in China
发布时间:2018-04-12       浏览量:
讲座题目:Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Dibao) Program in China
演讲人:Nanak Kakwani教授

Abstract: China’s Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee program (Dibao) is the largest social safety-net program in the world. Given the scale and the popularity of Rural Dibao, it is necessary to rigorously evaluate it so that policymakers know the extent to which the program meets its intended objective of reducing poverty. This paper develops some new methods and uses data from the 2013 Chinese Household Income Project (CHIP2013) to examine the targeting performance of the rural Dibao program. The paper has found that the Rural Dibao program suffers from very low targeting accuracy, high exclusion error, and inclusion error, and yields a significant negative social rate of return. It discusses possible causes and argues that the fundamental mechanism has to be redesigned to increase the effectiveness of the program. The paper makes some recommendations to reform Dibao that will significantly improve targeting and reduce the cost of running the program. That will help China to achieve its goal of eradicating extreme poverty by 2020.
Keywords: Dibao, Policy effectiveness, Poverty Reduction, Social Rate of Return

演讲人简介:Nanak Kakwani was Professor of Economics for 30 years at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and until 2006 was Principal Researcher and Director at United Nations Development Programme’s International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth in Brazil. He was an elected fellow of the Australian Research Committee of Social Science, and has been awarded the Mahalanobis gold medal for outstanding contribution in quantitative economics. He has published over 100 articles in international journals, as well as four books.
