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1.3日战略管理系Seminar:CEO Value and Information Hierarchy Span: The Moderating Roles of Executive Job Demands
发布时间:2018-01-03       浏览量:
讲座题目:CEO Value and Information Hierarchy Span: The Moderating Roles of Executive Job Demands
演 讲 人:郑玮
时    间:2018年1月3日下午2:00--3:30
地    点: 后主楼1610室

演讲人简介:郑玮,北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系在读博士,研究兴趣包括创业、创新及企业非市场战略。相关研究曾多次被Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Meeting, Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, and International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Biennial Meeting等国际顶级会议收录。曾荣获AIB最佳论文提名奖、CSBI最佳论文奖、Emerald/IACMR中国地区管理学基金奖冠军、纪念Kwok Leung论文基金奖等。目前有多篇论文在国内外顶级期刊发表或在审。 
ABSTRACT:This study linked CEO values to innovation information processing and examined the moderating role of executive job demands in this relationship. Drawing on upper echelons theory, we developed and tested hypotheses using a large, multi-industry, multi-wave survey data conducted by the National Council of China across 2014-2016. The positive relationship between CEO other-regarding value versus self-regarding value and information hierarchy span (i.e., the incorporation of information from lower echelons) was found to be stronger when CEOs have higher level of task and performance challenges. Yet the moderating effect of executive aspiration emanating from CEO age was marginally significant. The implications of our findings for upper echelons theory and the research on information flow across organizational hierarchies are discussed.