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11.21京师经管名家论坛(63):Hard to get: The scarcity of women and the competition for high-income men in urban China
发布时间:2017-11-15       浏览量:

主 题:Hard to get: The scarcity of women and the competition for high-income men in urban China
时 间:2017年11月21日(周二)下午16:00-17:30
地 点:后主楼1620室

摘 要
Reports of the difficulties of elite women in finding suitable mates have been increasing despite the growing scarcity of women in China. We show that this phenomenon can be a consequence of women’s preference for men who have higher incomes than themselves. With such a reference-dependent preference (RDP), the pool of men the high-income (h-) women desire shrinks as their income increases, while the pool of competing poorer (l-) women expands. Moreover, for h-women, even when high-income (H-) men are more plentiful and richer (as in China), the direct effect of a greater number of desirable men can be overwhelmed by the indirect effect of the competitive “entry” of l-women. We test for these competitive effects with online dating field experimental, Census, and China Family Panel Studies data. Consistent with competitive entry and its deterrence, the search intensity of beautiful l-women and h-women—irrespective of their beauty—for H-men increases with sex ratio and the income of H-men. The beauty of the wife of H-men and the marriage probability of l-women also increases. Although h-women are no less likely to marry than l-women, contra-Becker, their odds decrease when sex ratio or H-men’s income increases, particularly the plain-looking h-women. Our findings demonstrate the novel effects of women’s RDP for mate income.

张俊森,香港中文大学伟伦经济学讲座教授,世界计量经济学会院士,人口经济学杂志(Journal of Population Economics)编辑。