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09.20京师经管名家讲坛60期:Ethnic disparities in economic well-being in China
发布时间:2017-09-14       浏览量:
主    题:Ethnic disparities in economic well-being in China
时    间:2017 年 9 月 20 日(周三) 14:00
地    点:后主楼 1620室
主讲人:Professor Bjorn Gustafsson

Ethnic disparities in economic well-being can be studied from more than one perspective. One relates to the earnings received by workers and the self-employed in the production sphere Another perspective is related to consumption or the disposable income of households.

Professor Bjorn Gustafsson has been working at the University of Goteborg,Sweden for more than 30 years, who places emphasis on Labor Economics, Quantitative Social Research, Social Policy. He had worked at the Swedish Council for Social Research(SFR) as a senior researcher in Social Policy with an emphasis on poverty and income maintenance questions (based at the Department of Social Work, University of Goteborg) from July 1996 to June 2002. Meanwhile, he has worked as a research fellow at Institute for Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany since 1999, and refereed assignments for more than 50 different academic journals.