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新南威尔士大学Nanak Kakwani教授课程调整通知
发布时间:2017-03-17       浏览量:


Methodology for the Poverty Research系列课程3:
Relative Deprivation and Social Groups
Time: 2017-03-22 Wednesday 14:00
Location:Library Building 1620

Human beings are diverse in terms of their characteristics. They differ by age, gender, education level, occupation, and ethnicity, among others. Given these differences, a population can be classified into various social groups. These differences in individual characteristics should therefore be accounted for in the analysis of inequality.

This course will provide a linkage between relative deprivation and inequality in the society. It will develop a methodology to estimate the average deprivation experienced by various social groups. It helped identify particular social groups with greater deprivation in society. Identifying such groups is important because reducing inequality can be more effective through policies directly targeting these social groups rather than specific individuals.

The course will discussthe relationship between demographic structure and inequality. The following social groups are analyzed:
1. Social groups by age (demographic structure)
2. Rural and urban groups (migration)
3. Education
4. Social classes (poor, middle income and rich classes)
5. Racial groups

This methodology is fairly general and can be applied to any country including China.

Reference :
Nanak Kakwani and Hyun Son (2016), “On Measuring Social Tension” Chapter 4 in Social welfare Functions and Development : Measurement and Policy Applications, Palgrave Macmillan
Methodology for the Poverty Research系列课程4:
Shared Prosperity: Labor Market
Time: 2017-03-28 Tuesday 14:00
Location:Library Building 1620

This lecture will focus on contributions of social programs and labor market on shared prosperity.