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06.23战略管理系Seminar:The development and validation of the Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient
发布时间:2016-06-21       浏览量:
主    题:The development and validation of the Business Cultural Intelligence Quotient
演讲人:Ilan Alon,Professor, University of Agder, Norway
时    间:6月23号(周四)下午3:30-4:40
地    点:后主楼1610

The purpose of this paper is to present a new instrument for measuring cultural intelligence in the business context (BCIQ). The paper describes the process of the conceptualization of the model and the development of the instrument, the sample, as well as the validation of the instrument. Directions on the use of the instrument and future research are discussed. The instrument shows good psychometric properties and good predictive power and outperforms other publicly available CQ measures on a number of dimensions. The unique features and advantages of the present instrument are as follows: first, a refined factor structure compared to existing CQ instruments; second, use of objective cultural knowledge measures; third, applicability in the business and workplace contexts, thus rendering the instrument suitable for assessing cultural intelligence among expatriates, employees, and global virtual team members; and fourth, improved reliability and validity as compared to other Cultural Intelligence Quotient measures.

Dr. Ilan Alon is Professor of Strategy and International Marketing at the University of Agder, Norway, and visiting scholar at Georgetown University, USA. Prior to this, Dr. Alon was also a visiting scholar at Harvard University. Alon’s research includes global franchising, political risk assessment and the globalization of Chinese enterprises. He authored numerous peer reviewed articles including ones appearing in Journal of International Marketing, Harvard Business Review and Corporate Governance: An International Review, and several books. Alon has consulted both multinational businesses and government organizations relating to marketing and international business issues. Among his clients are USAID, Darden, Disney, illy, and Orlando International Airport.