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06.01经济系Seminar:A Simple Model of the Chinese Hukou System and Some Ongoing Reforms
发布时间:2016-05-26       浏览量:
主    题:A Simple Model of the Chinese Hukou System and Some Ongoing Reforms
演讲人:赵来勋, 日本神户大学教授
时    间:6月1号(周三)下午3:00-5:00
地    点:后主楼1620

We model the Chinese Hukou (household registration) system, from the Mao erawhen it was strictly enforced to the early reform era (Deng Xiaoping era) when peasants were allowed to migrate to cities for work only. We document some stylized characteristics of Hukoucontrol, and based on which build a rigorous model of the dual labor market generated by it. Themodel can explain the fact that rural migrant workers not only made important contributions toChina’s export boom, but also reversed the Chinese trade pattern—from exporting primaryproducts to manufactured goods, because they are the labor force in “the manufacturing center ofthe world”. Reform recoverssome of the deadweight losses from Mao’s strict Hukou control, butthe gains from reform are unevenly distributed. We also apply the model to examine the impactsof various policies and some ongoing reforms such as Special Economic Zones, export-taxrefund, urbanization, privatization, one-child policy, etc.

赵来勋,弗罗里达大学博士,现为日本神户大学教授,2011年获得Kojima Prize。他曾在European EconomicReview,Southern Economic Journal,Canadian Journal of Economics,Journal of Labor Economics,The WorldEconomy等期刊上发表多篇论文。