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05.24经济系seminar:Chinese and Indian Inequality: Class analysis in a comparative Perspective
发布时间:2016-05-19       浏览量:

主    题:
Chinese and Indian Inequality: Class analysis in a comparative Perspective
演讲人:Vamsi Vakulabharanam, University of Massachusetts Amherst
时    间:5月24号(周二)下午3:00-5:00
地    点:教二212

There are striking similarities in the way Chinese and Indian inequality patterns have evolved in recent decades, if we employ a class analytic perspective. In this presentation, this evolution is presented mainly for the post-1980 period, although inequality patterns for the period prior to that are also discussed. The explanations for the steep rise in inequality in both countries are presented at three levels. The first level explanation is presented in terms of local political economies of China and India during this period. The second level is presented in terms of the evolution of Asian political economy of the same period. The third level derives from how these economies integrated into the larger global economy. From an analysis of the Chinese and Indian experiences in the broader Asian context, critiques of Kuznets' as well as Piketty's work are discussed.

VamsiVakulabharanam is associate professor of economics in University of Massachusetts Amherst. He specializes in economic development and political economy and many of his papers have been published in Economic and Political Weekly, The Journal of Development Studies, World Development and so on.