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04.06 行为与实验经济学双周讨论会
发布时间:2016-03-31       浏览量:
时  间:2016年4月6日(周三)11:30
地  点:后主楼1610
主讲人:童璐琼 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院
主持人:何浩然 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院

Title: Enhancing Creativity through Warm Temperature

Consumer creativity is a vital resource for companies’ competiveness. However, past research hasn’t fully understood how aspects of the physical environment, especially temperature, an ever-present environmental variable, can affect creativity. In this research, we examine whether and how ambient temperature influences creativity. We theorize and find that relatively warm (vs. cool) temperatures within a comfortable range deplete people’ cognitive resources and induce primarily experiential processing, thus leading to better performance on creative tasks. The results of three experiments offer systematic support for our hypothesis.

    童璐琼, 2005年毕业于清华大学经管学院会计系,2012年毕业于清华大学经管学院市场营销系。现任北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院讲师,在《International Journal of Research in Marketing》、《Marketing Letters》,《心理学报》等杂志发表论文。主要研究方向包括:消费者信息处理与心理学、物理环境的设计与结构效果、自律、创造力等。