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05.28 讲座:Internationalizing the Yuan
发布时间:2015-05-25       浏览量:

演讲题目:Internationalizing the Yuan
主讲嘉宾: Dr. J. Colin Dodds 加拿大圣玛丽大学校长
讲座时间:2015年5月28日 15:00-16:30

Context—The New Global Economy
• Post Bretton Woods "de facto" dollar standard
• Geo-economic/geopolitical shift
• Regional , bilateral and corporate integration
• Aftermath of 2007-09 financial crisis.

Context – China
• Second largest economy in the world but rebalancing the growth model
• Deepening commercialization and market orientation of the financial system
• Key role for the PBC in monetary policy

What role for the RMB?
• 1 + 4 model

Recent developments – globalization of the Yuan
• Yuan bloc
• Essential conditions for the internationalization of the Yuan


    Dr. J. Colin Dodds is President of Saint Mary’s University and Professor of Finance in the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's University, one of the oldest universities in Canada.
    Educated in the U.K. with a B.A., B.Sc., M.A., and Ph.D., Dr. Dodds has taught at many universities in the U.K., as well as through CIDA and the World Bank in Asia and Canada. He has an extensive record of scholarly publications.
    Dr. Dodds has been with Saint Mary’s for over 30 years. He joined the faculty of the Sobey School of Business in September 1982, became departmental chair (Finance and Management Science) and M.B.A. director in 1984, Dean of the Sobey School of Business in 1987 and Vice-President, Academic and Research in 1991. He assumed the Presidency in 2000.
    Dr. Dodds is very active in a range of local, national and international organizations. A selection of current positions include:
• Member of the Board of Directors, Bank of Canada
• Member of the Board of World University Services Canada (WUSC)
• Board member of the Asia Pacific Foundation
• President of the Nova Scotia Research and Innovation Trust (NSRIT)
• Member of the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (OUI-IOHE)  Member of the judging panels for the Canadian 
• Investment Industry Hall of Fame, the Toyota Earth Day Awards and the IODE
• Chair of the board of regents for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards program
• Past Chair of the Better Business Bureau for Atlantic Canada
• Served on the Advisory Panel for Canada’s International Education Strategy
• Past board member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)
• Award recipient of the Queen’s Golden and Jubilee Medals
• Inductee of the Top 50 CEOs Hall of Fame for Atlantic Canada, 2010
• Lieutenant Governor's (NS) Award for Excellence in Public Administration , 2014