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05.07 国贸系Seminar:Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firms’ performances
发布时间:2015-05-04       浏览量:

主 题:Should everybody be in services? The effect of servitization on manufacturing firms’ performances
时 间:2015年5月7日(周四)下午2:30-4:00
地 点:后主楼1610
主讲人:Matthieu Crozet教授(法国巴黎第十一大学经济系)

    A vast literature discusses the determinants of manufacturing competitiveness and the causes of deindustrialisation in developed countries. Most of it is based on a representation of the economy as a collection of distinct sectors. This representation is misleading since more and more manufacturing firms also engage into the production of services. This paper uses detailed balance sheet data from a very large panel of about 36,000 French firms to examine the production and the sales of services by manufacturing firms. Our aim is twofold. First, we provide a detailed assessment of the extent of the servitization of French manufacturing and show that the boundary between services and industries becomes increasingly elusive. Second, we estimate the impact of decision to produce services on firms’ performances. Manufacturing firms that also produce services are, on average, larger and more profitable than pure manufacturers. A large part of this premia is the consequence of a self-selection effect, but we also identify a causal impact of servitization on firms’ performances. The latter result suggests that the provision of services is likely to enhance manufacturing firms’ competitiveness.

    Matthieu Crozet现任巴黎第十一大学经济系教授,以及法国国际经济学研究中心(CEPII)研究员,在此之前曾于巴黎一大与巴黎经济学院就职。Crozet教授的研究领域涵盖国际贸易,经济地理以及外商直接投资,研究成果发表于 Review of Economic Studies, Journal of International Economics, European Economic Review 等重要国际期刊。