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12.26国贸系Seminar:State Influence and Regional Sales Distribution of Private Firms: Does Financial Constraint Play a Role?
发布时间:2014-12-19       浏览量:
题 目:State influence and regional sales distribution of private firms: does financial constraint play a role?
时  间:2014年12月26日(周五)下午3:30-5:00
地  点:后主楼1610室
演讲人:周默涵  中央财经大学
主持人:戴  觅  北京师范大学

We study how political distortions resulting from government preference towards state- owned enterprises (SOEs) affect the regional sales distribution of private firms in China. Using data from World Bank Investment Climate Survey, we find evidence that the prevalence of SOEs in an industry will affect the regional sales distribution (or export) of private firms in the same industry. Specifically, an increase in the prevalence of SOEs leads to a higher propensity to sell to remote markets for firms with adequate financial access. The opposite is true for firms who are financially constrained. We build a toy model which links political/market distortion, market access, and credit constraint to explain these patterns.

Mohan Zhou is currently an Assistant Professor at School of International Trade and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). Before joining CUFE, he had served as a Senior Research Assistant at City University of Hong Kong. He received his bachelor degrees in Mathematics and Economics from Wuhan University, and his PhD in Economics from the University of Hong Kong. His research interests lie in International Trade and Industrial Organization Theories.