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PhD position at Wageningen University
发布时间:2013-05-02      浏览量:


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Job Title

PhD position: Organizing small high value-added food producers in China 

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We are looking for

The Development Economics Group at Wageningen University is looking for a PhD researcher for a joint project with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing on “Organizing small high value-added food producers in China: Cooperation, trust, and rural development”. The project is funded by the NWO – JSTP programme.

Producing high value-added agricultural products is potentially an effective way to increase profit from agricultural production, reduce uncultivated land and protect the environment in the hilly and mountainous areas of West China. Yet, the combination of small farm size, land fragmentation and high costs of certifying high value-added products implies that farmers have to cooperate in producing and selling these products. Farmers’ attitudes toward trust, public goods, reputation and norms towards deviations in cooperation play important roles in these respects. The PhD researcher will examine how these factors determine small farm household decisions to jointly obtain certifications of high value-added products, maintain the quality of their products, and consequently affect the welfare of the farmers under different production systems.

Research methods include the development of theoretical models incorporating attitudes and production decisions in a cooperation model, and the application of econometric methods to further explore the model predictions and provide evidence for policy advice. Both national representative data on agricultural households and data collected through household surveys and public good games among high value-added food producers in Gansu and Yunnan provinces will be used in the research.

Candidates are expected to complete a PhD dissertation within four years.

We ask

·         MSc degree or equivalent in economics

·         Mother tongue: Mandarin Chinese

·         Fluency in written and spoken English

·         Strong quantitative skills

·         Strong scientific writing skills

·         Proven affinity with rural development issues in China

·         Preferably, experience with carrying out rural household surveys and/or using experimental methods (public good games)

We offer

a full-time position (38 hours), initially for 18 months after which a go/no go decision will be taken on extension with another 30 months. Gross salary per month € 2042,-- in the first year rising to € 2612,-- per month in the fourth year, for a full-time appointment. Hay-profile: Promovendus.


The PhD will be offered a course program, which can be tailored to the desires of the candidate and the research team.


For more information on the research contact: dr. Nico Heerink, nico.heerink@wur.nl


Don't e-mail directly to the people mentioned above, but use the website to apply.

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Delivering a substantial contribution to the quality of life. That's our focus – each and every day. Within our domain, healthy food and living environment, we search for answers to issues affecting society – such as sustainable food production, climate change and alternative energy. Of course, we don’t do this alone. Every day, 6,500 people work on ‘the quality of life’, turning ideas into reality, on a global scale.

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