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10月11日人力资源管理系OBHRM青年学者论坛| Interpersonal Secrecy in the Workplace
发布时间:2024-10-09       浏览量:

题  目:Interpersonal Secrecy in the Workplace

时  间:2024年10月11日(星期五),14:00-15:30

地  点:后主楼1722会议室

主讲人:王亚婷 讲师(中国人民大学劳动与人事学院)

主持人:蔡子君 讲师(北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院)



Secrecy prevails in interpersonal interactions and organizational practices. By erecting an invisible informational as well as relational wall within organizations, secrecy can shape interactions and direct communication process among employees, as well as between employees and supervisors. To elaborate how secrecy operates in the workplace, a series of studies were conducted to reveal its nature, the content it encompasses, and its impacts in both dyadic and team context.




王亚婷,中国人民大学劳动人事学院讲师。主要研究方向为领导力,悖论管理,人际交流与沟通和生态工作设计。研究成果发表于《心理科学》、Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management & Organization等国内外学术期刊。曾获英国华人教授协会授予的“研究新星奖”、美国管理学年会最佳会议论文等荣誉。