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10月10日国际经济与贸易系学术讲座 | Domestic Transportation Infrastructure and Export Performance of Multiproduct Firms: The Role of Domestic Intermediate Inputs
发布时间:2024-09-23       浏览量:

【题  目】Domestic Transportation Infrastructure and Export Performance of Multiproduct Firms: The Role of Domestic Intermediate Inputs

【时  间】2024年10月10日(星期四) 14:00-15:30

【地  点】后主楼1722

【主讲人】唐遥 副教授(北京大学光华管理学院)

【主持人】戴觅 教授(北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院)

摘要:In a multi-product Melitz model, we demonstrate that after a drop in domestic trade costs, the cost savings on the shipping of domestic intermediate inputs dominate the pressure from increased competition, thus aiding surviving domestic firms in increasing the number of export varieties. The response of export revenue at the product level is heterogeneous; revenue from a firm’s low-markup varieties will increase, while that from high-markup varieties will decrease. Total export revenue of a firm increases if its export varieties or its exports of low-markup products expand significantly. Using 2SLS regressions, we test this theory with data on Chinese manufacturing firms from 2000 to 2007 and find supportive evidence. As access to domestic intermediate inputs improves with the expansion of the railway network, the number of export varieties of domestic firms increases. Meanwhile, revenue per product drops. Because the positive effect on varieties dominates the negative effect on revenue per product, the total export revenue of firms increases on average. Furthermore, the entry of new firms also increases, lending additional support to our theoretical model.



唐遥博士为北京大学光华管理学院应用经济系副教授,博士生导师和北京大学管理科学中心副主任。2009年不列颠哥伦比亚大学经济学博士毕业。2009到2017年在美国Bowdoin College任教,历任助理教授、副教授,2018年全职加入光华管理学院。主要研究和教学方向为宏观经济学,国际经济学和碳中和气候变化经济分析。曾获北京大学教学优秀奖、光华管理学院厉以宁教学奖,讲授的慕课《宏观经济学》被评为国家级一流本科课程。有多篇论文发表在《经济研究》,《金融研究》,Journal of Urban Economics,Journal of Econometrics,Journal of International Economics等学术期刊上。主持及作为核心成员参与了七项国家部委课题,主题包括国民经济2035远景目标、要素市场改革、货币政策改革、支持碳中和的财政金融政策、中国式现代化、五年经济发展规划、全要素生产率。